Lost all gear after died on ladder softcore

Hey, i just was on coop with a friend, died in the last roomo Claw ViperTemple, tried to recovermy body and all my items and when i pick up my corpse i onlly got my Spirit shield lost all my gear, was a 4 of 5 pieces of tal rashas 2 soj… im not playing on hardcore, i mean i have just to deal with it?

Just learning at level 19. Hope you find the answer. Let me know what happened when you find out. At level 19 I’m having trouble activating a level 18 shadow warrior from my Assassin advancing down the “Shadow” column. The “Trap” column merges over to “Shadow warrior.” Surely I don’t have to complete the “Trap” to achieve Shadow Warrior?

How many corpses were there? Sounds like it was more than 1.