Looking for PS friends

Hello, im playing on ps4 and right now, how the lobby works i simply just need some friends, to do some baal runs, diablo, cows, pvp, etc.
At the moment if im lucky i can have one good game in a day, when i try the party finder. Its just trash.

Just need a stable group of people to do some 8man runs with etc.
PSN: Konfuuzedpsy

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I can send ya a invite to are group on ps4 got a bunch of people in it someones always running either chaos baal or cows when it comes to drops first to get it keeps it up to you

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Got some chaos an baal going right now

Are you playing softcore or hardcore? I’m in a good group of hardcore players, but unfortunately I do not know many softcore players right now.

Softcore 20 characters

Well, don’t tell my hardcore friends, but I’ve got a softcore Javazon that I could use.

I spend almost all of my D2 time in HC but if you ever need some help, just message me.

Or feel free to add me.

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Stickygreen, can you add me? GT = sizzlewump. non-hardcore, non-ladder only please. I play a lot on ps5. Looking for a group.

Recklessmustang on ps4 add me

Hey add me pls recklessmustang
I’m on ps4 just started n trying to find ppl

Everyone just add me Sticky_Green704 PS4/PS5

I cant find any1 to play with. Can yall add me. I ve been avoiding online coz i dont have ps+ but it got lonely playin alone. Want to go online and make some runs with someone so u started fresh. Paladin will be the first go!
Add me on psn smederevcina

Add me bro an ill get ya in some online community groups fir MF runs an diablo an baal runs PSN ID is StickyGreen704

Is there a psn GROUP for hardcore ladder?
Just started hardcore ladder and looking for people to play with or can help me out killing bosses

Hey man, I was trying to find you but for some reason your PSN won’t pop up for me. If possible could you add me GooNSauce669

I’m on ps5, not sure if it matters

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