Lack of communication

There is no community manager here… we see the least amount of blue posts…

How is it when Blizzard was a smaller company they managed to have devs in chat channels for the game… Now tho… they can’t afford it or something?

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The thrill is gone.
People get old, things wear out.
I don’t imagine anyone under the age of 30 on their team gives a hoot.
Just a paycheck, and short grasps at a lost art.
Seems like Indie games are where it’s at.
Maybe we will see a revival through those small developers, unhindered by big corps.


Reddit and blizzard is owned by the same people anyhow.

I mean, can you blame them? Who wants to talk and deal with all these trolls

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I mean, when I spent 85 grand getting a degree in game art and design and then applied to work at Blizzard I would have taken a job “talking and dealing with all these trolls”… even though that’s what in the old days we used to call “customer service” and I’m sure thats not done anymore…and id be WAY overqualified for a CS position…But no… blizzard doesnt want to hire, the just want our money.


You guys mention some reddit reply, but not what the post was actually about. Anyone care to elaborate?

Blizzard don’t believe in news, it’s a form of white oppression


The official post will be on the forums tomorrow regarding 2.4. In the post we will have specific dates for release so people can prepare for 2.4 and ladder launch.


wow finally some good news ! you should post here more often. 3 posts on forum. how many on reddit ?? this is actually something that bothers me when it comes to communication, why is reddit or twitter first response, and then a link on the forum to said twitter or reddit post? seems backwards.


*Nibbles the forum candy blip*

Thank you sir
May we have another?


Hey keep it cool, d2R is still alive and you still can play the game :wink:
i prefer they take the time they need before any fail annoucement or launch
thats not cool imo to blame the guy for the reddit thing, i was happy to see a new, wherever it come from


Lack of communication on Battlenet. I don’t even know why I even visit the site for updates; like the other guy I said, why is Reddit or Twitter getting prioritized? I’m finally removing Battlenet from my bookmark after experiencing every Diablo news being delayed since the launch compare to other social platforms by 24-72 hours or sometimes even being completely ignored.


Thanks Pez. Looking forward to some throw barb action :fire::fire::fire::fire:


the information should have been released on this site 24 hours ago. at the time the reddit post went up. this is unacceptable from a 68 billion dollar company.

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Because you dont know anything of the world you live in. Blizzard and reddit is owned by the same peoples.

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Thanks , we hope to get at least 2 weeks prior before the actual ladder date launch

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They decided to post where most ppl look. Which is reddit. Obv it wouldnt hurt to release the info on more platforms but if they only could pick one.

they definitely are not owned by the same people. advanced publishing owns reddit. activision/blizzard is currently its own entity, until the final contracts are in place for the purchase by microsoft. at which point it still wont be under the same ownership as reddit. not sure where you get your info, but its completely wrong.

feel like the basement baby thats been called by his name for the first time.