Joining a lobby game with a controller

Can’t find the right button to “Join Game.”


I am at a loss on this one. I’m thinking to myself: “Surely Blizzard playtested using a controller to join a game”. The reality: they didn’t

I’m hoping someone knows of a workaround, but if you use controller on PC, this is the only way I have found to join a lobby:
Use dpad to find game in server list
Press A to select it
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the server list so you can highlight the “Join Game” button
Press A.

I have not found a way to avoid scrolling through the entire server list to get to Join Game button. What were they thinking?


You can’t even open your friends list without it losing track of your targeting. Worse, I can’t use JoyToKey to overtake it because the controller doesn’t have free mapping. You play with what they set up, or shove off.

I have a JoyToKey setup allowing me to control my computer from my couch. However, I still have to get up every time the game crashes (because it does that) simply because I can’t rejoin my buddies game in progress without a mouse.

I was really on the fence about buying this game due to Blizzard being dicks to their employees. I spent 3 days thinking about it, and caved due to two things: I wanted to play with my friends, and Controller support makes gaming better. This isn’t helping my opinion, as right now it’s difficult to play with my friends.

Edit: But we can select the pointless easter egg Gem Button. Woo hoo.

I have the exact same issue. I can’t press the button. Makes joining games using a controller almost impossible.

Yeah, I initially thought it was me…but joining a game with a controller pad is cumbersome! This has to be an oversight for the PC version.

2 weeks later still not fixed? This is so obvious. Common blizzard. Games great but please fix this. Really makes fluant game play on a gamepad on a pc painful. Fix this please.

Yup…still an issue. Yeah, I get it, there are bigger fishes to fry…but seems like this controller lobby game joining issue would be a quick fix.

Yeah, still not fixed. Looks like they just don’t care about controller players. Works good in game but GL using it in the loby…

Can we at least get confirmation that the devs are aware of this issue and are looking into it…or perhaps have already implemented a fix for the lobby revamp patch? I’ll be happy with just an acknowledging peep. Bliz dev…please? Something? Anything?

Read the general Discussion forum…

Which post, exactly? Having briefly skimmed the General, I couldn’t find a post related to this issue. Can you provide more guidance on where I can find more info about whether this issue has been recognized by the devs?

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Oh yeah, I read that a while back…hopefully, the control issue is addressed with the patch…but until the patch note is released, there’s no way to know if they’re even aware of this issue.