Ith rune on armor don't seems to work [SOLVED]

The proper wording would be, 50% of damage taken is returned as Mana.

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its not really even a translation error, as it’s basically the same as the English version, which also isn’t very clear.

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there’s a cube recipe to remove items from sockets, but you don’t get those items back.

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Yeah it’s really a translation error in that case.

Instead of :
“% des dégats subis sont soustrait au mana, which literally translate by % of damage taken is subtracted from mana.”

It should have been:
“% des dégats subis vont au mana, which literally translate by % damage taken goes to mana”

In this case, it’s a huge problem cause lots of french people think it’s an energy shield…
Of course the english version is poorly explained either but more understandable.

Maybe “15% damage taken adds to mana” would have been a better explanation.


You’ll be thrilled to learn about “damage reduction” and “damage reduced by X”


I don’t know if i really wanna even know what that’s mean… i’m afraid

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Its poorly worded to be fair.

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I mean, it does kinda say that in English too, just not quite the same way."

It should say “Gain X% of damage recieved as mana”

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Agreed, they should have worded it differently in English as well.

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And, not really related here but i wonder a thing…

IF, you spec a sorceress with energy shield (the skill), and you put max % damage taken goes to mana, you theoretically will be invincible…

I’m sure i’m wrong, because if not, everyone would play that. Can someone explain me the math for that?

% Les dommages sont répercutés sur le Mana - This is what my line for frFR has in the game files for legacy.

% des dégâts subis sont soustraits au mana - This is the line for frFR for D2R

I have to ask why they are different for the same language lol.

Effects have a certain order in which they are calculated in the hit event in game. I don’t know the exact math or the calculation order, but I recall hearing DTM is calculated very late in the equation. I want to say after all damage reduction factors have been placed, but I can’t be sure and I’m not researching it.

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Energy Shield will mitigate the damage you take first and then the damage taken to mana will be calculated after that. So you won’t gain as much mana as you would expect.

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yeah, that’s what I thought for the last 20 years.

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And, i don’t know if you speak french, but those 2 line mean the same thing :

the % of damage you take will be echoed to the mana.

I don’t know why they wrote that like that, but it’s not accurate. And i really doubt they will change it in the future…

I saw that other people thought like me, and a i’m a little relieved :smiley:

Ya because the way energy shield works, it wont be possible to be invincible by having the affix and energy shield. Energy Shield applies first and energy shield (in terms of mana is NOT affected by resist) before the affix comes into play.

Example. 100 fire damage taken, 50% fire resist, 50% damage to mana affix, lv 7 energy shield (50% conversion) [assume before telekenis as well]

First the mana damage will be 50. Then the remaining 50 damage is subject to the player’s 50% resist so 25 damage will be done to your HP. Then finally 50% of that damage is restored to mana or 12.5. So end result is you will lose 25 HP and a net loss of 37.5 Mana. Note that if your mana goes to 0 during the energy shield step then you would end at 12.5 mana since the mana restore is last.

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this affix should be reworded to “10% of damage taken converts to mana”. The current wording is indeed confusing.

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Sounds like whoever did the French localization didn’t actually know how that stat works.

It should say something closer to “45% of damage taken goes to mana”, which is the English wording I think.

As others have said: If you take 1000 damage, you will still take 1000 damage to life, and also you will receive 450 mana.

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There’s plenty that don’t know what crushing blow, deadly strike or open wounds does either

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“35% of the damage taken adds mana”
“35% des dégats subit ajoute de la mana”

That’s simple, i don’t know why they did that. That could be good if they changed it though.