Items missing after recent crash

I lost my Shako - Harlequin Crest after the crash. Is there any chance to get it back?
Char: HammeRZerK
Realm: Europe

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I lost an occulus i had just found before the restart

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so its gone? … I think i quit … i had constant crashes the last days, now another rollback …wtf is this. I already wasted so many hours for nothing

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same here. lost a shako after this crash.

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Yup…logged in to 2 hours worth of progress gone. I honestly dont get how Blizzard can be this bad. I think they are going to lose business.

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I’ve lost my horadric cube and 2 imperfect red gems

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I have lost rune SUR today because of server crash and roll back…i cant believe i finally find something usefull and they deleted it from my inventory…i made a post in this forum but
as always they will not give an answer and they will not serve their customers, this is the last time i buy something from this company.

I’ve also lost my horadric cube to the crash… How to complete act 3 without?!

yeah boys i lost 5 ber runes plz refund

i lost a GUL rune, a Skin of the Vipermagi, a Dragon Chang and a Doomslinger as far as i can remember. thats unacceptable for a company with such a name like blizzard. they dont do this since yesterday.

Sorry to hear that. I lost all of my gear due to a bug and after some talking with blizzard this is what they told me.

That sucks man…I honestly dont know why they even launched the game again. I dont want to chance losing progress again. Or, they dont want to take the time to fix their problem. who knows with them. Seems like they are just riding it out until Blizzard is no more…

man i just login in and i missing one of my items wth man this is annoying Eschuta’s Temper sad day!!

They will not restore any items after a server crash. Usually the items are loss as the server rolls back to an earlier stable save file.

Only my most valueable item was also magically dissapeared after servers came back up. I’d have to be an idiot to think that’s random. Alot of people seem to be missing only their best stuff.