Is this a common issue?

Pressing “play”, getting “game is launching” msg, then nothing. “Play” button highlights again. No error msgs, nothing. I wonder if a lot of people are having the same problem.

meu amigo, aqui esta pior, Inicio o jogo, na opção pressione qualquer tecla para iniciar o jogo Fecha.

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Major post check here:

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It appears that blizzard has yet again managed failed to prepare the servers for the amount of people that would be playing D2:Ressurected on launch day :smiley:

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Too many people playing private games. If only they had implemented another loot system.

O meu tambem inicio o jogo e após alguns segundo fecha sozinho

requerimentos nao é pois joguei o beta normal e nao deu isso
Meu cpu e uma i5 10400f com rtx 3070…16gb de ddr4