Is d2jsp easy to use?

Nintendo sues people break their rule and win every time. To them it’s not “just” a game but their intellectual property. Thus their own source of revenue. Blizzard has sued too, and won every time. So we’ll see where that thinking gets you. All in all you’re just wrong on all fronts.


Again it’s a form of third party site and receiving compensation outside of the platform. You’re breaking the rules. And no you can read the code of conduct yourself. Get bent cheater.


Ok so you have no proff off anything. thx for northing but tears then.

Show me a link that backs up what you’re saying about blizzard suing jsp and winning.

No. You can read the Code of Conduct and terms of Use yourself. You clearly haven’t yet.

Weird blizzard somehow forgot to sue JSP for 20 years. Crazy.

After reading some of the comments in here, I’m positive my JSP account is older than some of the posters (it probably is, its from 2007 lol) :man_shrugging:, what a rush!

Nice! Glad you’ve been good at trading since 2007! If you didn’t join up by now you’d be so angry you’d turn in to bravata, and who can blame him he has been in the same trade game that entire time!

The better part is, I wonder how mad they’d be if I shared my name here (I wont cuz no need beggars), because I have tons FG collected over many years of trading items I didn’t need.

They’re mad all the time for a whole host of reasons it would only take you having a JSP account. Even if you only did item:item trade they’d be salty for some new reason. Most likely becuase they need an excuse for why after 20 years they still struggle to get out of NM and have never found a HR. They’d never attribute it to their own poor gameplay. If you’re ahead of them, then you must be cheating.

Some people eh? JSP was the best thing I’ve found, no need to wait 17 hours afk in a game just to get an offer on something, legit just post and forget for a lil while.

They don’t even understand. Free to use as well.

You can literally do 2 trades in a minute. Meanwhile the same trade they attempt in game can take hour or you have to massively overpay to accomplish it and actually play the game.

Not only that but services/price checks/groups/PM/guides/info. It is all listed there. Not only that, but you get to see 1000’s of peoples items, not whoever they happen to randomly throw onto your game list.

But they wonder why they’re so far behind. Still trying to trade that Tal armor for vex, shako, 10 pgems and a magefist. Hopefully that guy comes along soon, it has only been a 3 year wait.

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Agreed, though I do have a self imposed rule (and have stuck to it since 2008), I will not use FG in the first month of ladder to gear my char, likely why I have so much FG, I mean I could, but wait a month and everything is so cheap you can fully gear something later on for just selling a random HR or high level unique, that you likely wont need at the start.

I did the same for the past 2 ladders, but honestly it is hard to really need that much FG early ladder. It just isn’t necessary and would be wasteful. Like all the gear that fits on me I wear, all excess sold, only use the excess sold FG to bypass things that take too much time. I never dipped into my past FG on the past 2.

tbh I’ll probably never spend the amount I have, unless I start paying crazy high prices so common items, like 1k for tals helm type of trades, never gonna spend it all :joy:

Couldn’t play the start of this ladder with my internet in this place and I’m too busy, but I’ve got 150k steady chilling. Don’t even really know why I collected it. Though it sure does make trading easy.

Couldn’t really play anyhow in regards to the server stability, didn’t miss anything really.

I dunno didn’t Teo already make it to 99? Like I feel like if I was in the Diablo mode I could grind through the lag. (mainly cuz I don’t care about 99 at all). Once I focus up be it running solo chaos in P8 games, grinding out mephisto runs, or running through TZ, I find that most things won’t stop me. The lag and lost connection rate would have to be really awful for me to have stopped.

I was pumped to start barb or trapsin this time. (actual trapper not mosaic stuff) Though clearly that build is solid. But work called me away.

It’s pretty much just during the times I can play that it’s really bad, though I did swap to EU to get around the rubberbanding on the NA server.

Pretty sure Teo hit 99 already. I haven’t even looked because I’m not worried about my rank, and just play for the fun of the game.

Same here.

I just keep up with Diablo news. The 99 grind never really fascinated me tbh. Like finding items, trying out new builds, and running end game much moreso.