Is d2jsp easy to use?

rush yourself to hell cows and do repetitive runs my first hr last season was a ber fairly early. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: gl

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Iā€™m asking to figure out where the red line exactly is.

Because the ToS could be interpreted to mean that even talking about d2jsp is bannable, when it seems apparent it is not.

If paying money to buy forum gold and then to buy d2r loot via d2jsp is not bannable. Is it definitely true that the reverse is actually bannable?

If you sell items via some intermediate currency for real money ( you could argue that the owners of d2jsp indirectly do this) is this actually bannable?

Iā€™m fine if the rules are that everything is allowed at your own risk, or if there are very strict rules on what is or isnā€™t allowed. I donā€™t understand the current situation where everything seems like it is against the ToS while no action seems to be take against it either.

the only thing I know about d2jsp is you can get rich off it it if you know how to flip stuff right.When you see people selling off 40 JAH runes worth of forum gold for really GG stuff its because they have flipped stuff for a good profit.Or people with a ton of HRs on here are using d2jsp just wont admit it cause they know how to flip items for profit or they buy it from 3rd party sites.Ive seen youtube videos of how to get rich quick using d2jsp but as much as it sounds cool I dont think Ive actually logged into d2r for like a month and a half, just randomly come on here too see whats going on.But I know this stuff takes time.I dont know how much time these people on youtube spent grinding for certain things that trade on d2jsp but Im sure its quite a bit but one thing I know is they are taking advantage of new users there to make there profit cause I think you can actually buy forum gold and it doesnt have to be earned solely through trades on jsp

On the note of people taking advantage of new users. It happens everywhere, but on JSP a new user has one massive advantage. You can look up trades via the search bar and get a general sense of what your item is worth easily. If you get ripped off on value, it usually would be becuase you were too lazy to look up the item.

Again, it was asked by some streamers around the time d2r was in beta. FG is not bannable. Mrllamasc has his own account that he still logs into. We have all been discussing d2jsp on the old classic d2 forums for 15+ years and since day one of d2r forums. No one has been banned. Blizz will NEVER give us a blue post surrounding this but people have gotten varying degrees of replies from submitting tickets to blizz, some of which has suggested the FG system is indeed not something bannable.

So if you want ultimate proof from blizz here before you feel like coming out of the d2jsp closet then you aint getting it but we all know they arenā€™t ever going to raise a finger.

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They have stupid rules they expect you to just know without explaining or even trying to help. Especially if the trade is over 1k fg. Fyi, wait a month so you dont have to cough up that 800 fg for a shakoā€¦

You clearly are trolling us.

You know all about D2jsp and how it works.

Also you did not just find out you have a profile.

You knew it the whole time.

This account is not mine but my brothers. and yes i just found out i could use hes if i wanted to.
I have no ide how it works. i could aks him.
But it more fun to get all cry babies upset.

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Iā€™m not even mad, because Iā€™m not a racer, I donā€™t trade, and aside from one real life friend I team with from time to time I play solo self found.

But can you all not take a big step back and literally fu-- (too much Les Grossman?) but seriously can you not acknowledge that carrying wealth forward defeats the whole point of a ladderā€™s fresh start?

Do you just not care or are you so in need of one-upping others or what is it?

i dont care what other people doo. Ther is northing to gain in this game other then gear. the people who buy items for fg or rmt doesnt win anything over others.
i will NOT buy items. just sell to people who need. So i get northing out of it.

Youā€™re violating the Blizzard code of conduct with your post. Also, Spelling.

So you obv can show me wher the code of conduct rule who say this. i wait.
my Spelling sucks in english i knowā€¦

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  1. 100 x easier to use than Traderie, and faster

  2. Not much, but use mediator if selling high end items is my advice.

RMT is against the code of conduc. Now, Blizzard sucks at their own rules lol. So youā€™ll likely not get caught. But absolutely a perma-ban offense. You got some nerve just posting about this on a blizzard forum. I hope you get banned.

FG can be accrued by selling in-game items, itā€™s not limited to people whipping out their credit card to buy with real money.

Ok so they never enforced it. Still makes you a cheating POS.

Itā€™s considered the same thing.

I disagree. I donā€™t think it counts as ā€œreal moneyā€ if you find a shako and then sell the shako for an incremented counter on a website.

First off blizz themselves said FG is not bannable and second I could care less clown. Including you, thereā€™s like 10 people on this forum with that delusional mentality that arenā€™t worth ever playing with even if they were the last people on the planet and on the flip side through cheaterville d2jsp, there are thousands of players to play with. So go ahead, get it out of your system so you and the 10 other anti-d2jspers on this forum can feel good about yourselves and then yall can leave because d2jsp will continue to dominate.

Its not Rmt. Ther is alot of ways to get Fg without spending any money.
So again CAN you show me the rule, where it says, i CANT trade my items vs fg.