Is d2jsp easy to use?

For the differences of opinion of JSP, it sure does wonders to bring us together to discuss it.


Tohki’s account is brand new so for sure it has to be an alt. I don’t think there’s a single thing he could say to convince me that he doesn’t multibox to give himself an advantage over those who don’t.

Let me say it loud so people in the back can hear:

Circumventing intended gameplay is an exploitation, it’s cheating!


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My point was the gameplay that the game allows. Within that is a shared stash that can be used to twink characters. The concept apparently went way over your head.

This bnet account is older than you.

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But shared stash wasn’t always a thing… so was it cheating then?

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Sir, this is the D2r forum for the game Diablo II: Resurrected. This game has a shared stash. Even if it didn’t, a single player still couldn’t transfer items from non-ladder over to ladder or vise versa. This example you’re trying to push isn’t related to any point being made by you or myself. You’re grasping at straws.

So far you’ve tried to conflate using the shared stash as equal to moving value between non-ladder and ladder. You’ve tried to conflate playing the game with others as equal to moving value between non-ladder and ladder. Get your point together if you want to argue it.

and you’re getting mad over something that can be done without any 3rd party platforms facilitating it at all. Achieving the same thing without those sites is okay tho but everyone else is just a cheater.

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I did, you’re just dodging it repeatedly and moving the goalposts.
“circumventing intended gameplay is an explotation, it’s cheating”

That’s it. That’s the only complaint of yours that I’ve been addressing.

To simplify it even further - why are you mad at some scenarios that allow you to circumvent intended gameplay… but you happily use others that also circumvent intended gameplay? and why doesn’t that make you the same cheater that you’re accusing others of being?

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He won’t answer or he will claim it is cheating even though there are no rules against it. Literally just what he thinks is a pure ladder and everyone is supposed to play how he views it. Meanwhile all of us posting here telling acti-blizz that we use JSP somehow never get banned. Probably because it is within the rules to use D2JSP. Just like it is within the rules to trade NL to ladder. So I would like to thank acti-blizz for working with D2JSP to create the best AH the game has ever seen.

Yeah that’s pretty much what it boils down to.
Anyone who doesn’t play the way he does is just a cheater. It’s okay for him to gain an advantage in ways that other people might not though, that’s different and totally okay.

No, I’m not. You’re the one who conflated using a shared stash and playing the game with others for a rush with transferring value between ladder and non-ladder. Only one of those things is outside of the intended function of the game.

You are meant to use the shared stash.
You are meant to play the game with others.
You are not meant to use non-ladder value to gain things on ladder.

You are trying to derail that fact, going so far as to reference how the game worked in a different decade. If you had any ounce of sense or intelligence, you could stick to the point, or even to the conversation.

You’re very obviously wrong, and that’s why you won’t stick the point of moving non-ladder value to ladder, and you insist on conflating unrelated gameplay, that exists on non-ladder or ladder but not across them. Ladder is not meant to be mixed with non-ladder, and you cannot refute that; and citing ways that players have circumvented that these modes are separate does not refute how the game functions. You walking clown show.

What are you talking about? How severe is this projection? You’ve already accused me of twinking and multiboxing, which I don’t. Is this your defense mechanism? You fabricate entire backstories for forum posters who disagree with you, and then use those made up detail as argument against them? Are you unhinged?

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Classic. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

Life is simple. Adults don’t tell others what to do and what not unless you’re the law enforcers or law makers. Clearly none of us here belong to either categories. Thus we shouldn’t tell others what to do.

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I’m a single-player (offline) modder.
I feel like johan the game warden and his deputy Tohki might have a judgement to pass on this.
I mod the game. Am I a cheater, too?

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Cuz they’d probably rage about that as well.

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Totally. Using 3rd party RMT sites to bypass that ladder and non-ladder are separate game modes with no ability to trade items across them is definitely the same as modding single player or quest bugging Andy. Your strategies to deflect that you support playing in a way that is cheating are childish, it’s childish deflection.

Everyone knows it’s cheating. Everyone knows that Blizzard will do nothing about it. But the point is that everyone can ignore your awful opinions about how bnet D2 should work, because you don’t play the game without cheating to circumvent the intended gameplay. You’re completely free to do this, but stop pretending that you’re not.

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Just give up trying to convince him/them with facts. At this point it’s obvious a couple of narcissists we are dealing with. Trying to have a serious discussion with narcissistic people are straight up impossible. It’s literally a mental disorder making them completely unable to admit they are wrong. They will lie and even twist reality with olympic level of mental gymnastics, anything and everything but admit they are wrong.

Just like a low IQ person can’t do math, they just do not have the mental capacity. A narcissistic person just do not have the mental capacity to admit they are wrong, even when presented by facts they will find some far fetched strawman argument to avoid the topic and slither their way out.

Exactly what you see happening here. Quite interresting from a psychological perspective though, to see the mentality of cheaters. Now i understand how cheaters manage to feel good about themself, they straight up deny the fact they are cheating in the first place. ROFL. :exploding_head:

Things like using third-party rmt trading sites to transfer value between ladders are clear as day not allowed, considered cheating and stated by Blizzard as a bannable offence. This is straight up factual. It’s nothing to even discuss.

Hearing this kids trying to deflect and slither their way out of that are as ridiculous as hearing a bank robber deflect they broke the law when they robbed a bank because it’s possible to get money from gifts… well, it wasnt gifts that got you that money was it… Something being possible in another way then you did it, doesn’t change the fact of what you did. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Compairing single player with a season/ladder multiplayer experience are so ridiculous and childish i am not even gonna bother responding to that question.

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No way my Enigma and Infinity are def not being traded theyre still fairly pricey even on non ladder.

d2jsp allows users to buy forum gold with real money. Doesn’t this make using d2jsp against the ToS?

If it is against the ToS, how is asking for advice and giving advice on how to use this site allowed freely?

My intent is not to attack anyone who uses it or doesn’t use it, I can’t seem to figure out what is bannable and what isn’t anymore in d2r.

Look no matter what, you’re not going to get banned for using d2jsp. We have all been freely discussing d2jsp for 20+ years now. Many of the streamers that the internship developers listen to openly use d2jsp. Mid 2021 before d2r got launched one of the streamers had asked blizz directly about FG and they admitted it isn’t bannable.

Yes, you can buy FG with $$$ but you can’t freely sell it back for $$$ (instant ban by d2jsp if they find out you’re doing some private deal to sell your FG, GL if you get scammed) and you aren’t forced to buy FG to participate…it is very easy to farm stuff that people want and make loads of FG early on in a season. Item sites & ebay items are more eula violating but even those will NEVER be touched by blizz. But if you’re on here advertising for those sites, then GL to you. Godest @ d2jsp here.

Only the cry babies will claim otherwise but the truth is the majority of posters on this forum have a d2jsp account. I realize it is anecdotal but literally every person I’ve met at MTG events who plays d2r told me they use jsp too :laughing:

Mrllamasc’s d2jsp account, created in 2008
Why don’t they ban #1 streamer of d2r??

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