Is d2jsp easy to use?

Who says people don’t want to start fresh?
There’s nothing wrong with building your characters up through trade instead of doing 1000 wrist-breaking pindle runs to target-farm the equipment you like.

I’m not a RMTer, I’ve never really used JSP but yeah I’d probably be willing to trade gear I’ve gathered on non-ladder for gear I want on ladder. Is that cheating too?

Majority of people aren’t spending real-world dollars on gear.

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Where does it say that?

Yes. NON-ladder. That means NOT ON THE LADDER. That’s the point of having the two different game modes. That’s the point of the ladder reset. Your non ladder equity is not intended for ladder use. Do what you’d like, but be honest about what it is.

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That’s just your opinion though. There’s no rule against trading your non-ladder enigma for someone else’s first-week-ladder shako, you’ve just come up with a rule that you want to follow and you feel everyone else should too.


No it’s not. How do you manage these mental gymnastics?

When a ladder season starts, all of your previous season equity is moved to non ladder. The game does not allow any transfer of value between ladder and non ladder. It is not an opinion that this happens. It is how the game functions. Using a 3rd party website to circumvent this intended gameplay is an exploitation. It is cheating.

Do what you’d like, but don’t make excuses for it. You like to cheat when you play D2, own it.


We don’t even need a third party website to facilitate that trade. If someone in a ladder game finds a shako and I offer them an enigma in non-ladder and they accept… there’s no third party website involved and no RMT.

Where do you even draw the line on what is and isn’t cheating? Do you twink any of your characters? I’m betting you do… even though by your logic it sounds like your low level characters aren’t supposed to have access to gear that they didn’t find themselves.

It’s literally in the rules that third party rmt sites are forbidden, and the only way to trade your none-ladder items for ladder items are from third party rmt sites.

I am almost impressed over your mental gymnastic skills. Taking some kind of world record here.

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lol what? only if you’re trading with randoms. I play with plenty of people that i’d be willing to trust a ladder-nonladder trade with, and i’m sure many of them feel the same way. Don’t you have friends to play with?

We’re such a pack of filthy cheaters!

You’re conflating things that are completely unrelated. I cannot twink my ladder characters with non ladder gear through a shared stash, so that question is irrelevant to your point.

I understand that players can facilitate non ladder trades for ladder items, but that doesn’t change the fact that non-ladder is distinctly unlinked from ladder as a feature for those gameplay modes.

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Seriously dude. Don’t even try making such a ridiculous claim that about 99,99% of these none-ladder to ladder trades do not happen through third party rmt sites. ROFL.

You really need to go to a psychologist and have yourself checked for narcissism. The mental gymnastics and twisting reality and words you do are on a level it require professional help.

I am out of here. I have met literally diagnosed narcissist that do less mental gymnastics then you are doing right here. This is insane.

I wish you good luck in life my man.

Johan and Tohki for video game president and vice president!

Just appease them folks, the quicker they feel better about their lives the faster they leave d2r forums once they realize d2jsp, FG, item sites, etc are NEVER going away and then we can have better discussions on these forums.

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This was not meant as an insult but a serious and legit tips.

Johan you are the best video game player out there, congratulations! We would love to be d2r legends like you!

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We both already admitted we know and realize this will not go away and are unavoidable several times, both of us.

What’s lacking are the cheaters stop doing narcissistic mental gymnastics, look themself in the mirror and admit they are cheaters.

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Congratulations, you are on your way to heaven! Such courageous words of wisdom! Continue please, we all can learn so much from you!

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I haven’t twisted any words, I’m just pointing out the gaps in your logic.
You’re raging hard about 3rd party sites because they permit trading of items into and out of ladder but technically we could do that anyway if we’ve got such GG non-ladder items that someone would be willing to trade their first-week shako for something on NL.

Sure it wouldn’t be as widespread as JSP but it’s not impossible. If you’re doubly mad because you don’t know anyone well enough that you trust them in a inter-ladder trade then that sounds like sour grapes on your part.

All traderie, discord and JSP does is facilitate trades between people. Why not direct your criticism towards blizzard for not building an in-game trade platform that does the job instead of people who have built their own tools because blizzard can’t/won’t?

I’d guess you’re also mad that streamers have the advantage of assistance from their followers too yeah?

It’s a game, brosef. You’re taking it all way too seriously so just rreeeellaaaaaaaax.
It’s supposed to be a stress reliever. Why are you getting so wound up over something that at the end of the days means nothing?

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Video game is more important than real life. The way you play video games, especially ones that have no pro gaming status unlike lol/rocket league/etc, signifies how good or bad you are in real life. Duh

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They’re not unrelated.
Your initial complaint was that circumventing intended gameplay is an exploitation, that it’s cheating.

That’s a fairly generic complaint and we can apply it to lots of different diablo-related possibilities.

  • doesn’t twinking your characters qualify as circumventing intended gameplay? you put gear on them that they wouldn’t ordinarily find themselves. what about before shared stash was a thing? how did you move gear between your characters or did you refuse to do so because if it was intended gameplay then the feature would exist allowing it?
  • doesn’t getting rushed qualify as circumventing intended gameplay?
  • how about quest bugging? is that cheating too? it’s certainly circumventing intended gameplay
  • trading on traderie and discord for runes or exchanging item-for-item? that’s a third part website that circumvents intended gameplay.

Like… where is the line drawn? There are so many other advantages that also meet your “circumvents intended gameplay” complaints but that you’re probably okay with. So why are you mad over one and not the other?

There are heaps of ways to circumvent intended gameplay and few people seem to give a damn about those. Do you think the dclone walks were intended to be this way? I’m guessing you’ve probably got a 20/20 anni on all of your characters tho right?

I’m just curious about why you’re so mad about sites facilitating trade outside of a game that has limited in-game trading abilities.

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