Improve Druid Summons for 2.5

You don’t want someone to suddenly lose a skill when they need it just because someone else suddenly flags you for PvP. And you don’t want players to have to worry about who flags the other for PvP if you only count your own flag.
Whether or not druids should be able to use Teleport while in Bear or Wolf form is debatable, but you don’t want the PvP flag to alter gameplay.

Yup, really keep up with my friends who are porting 2 walls away instantly. Yes. You are soooo right.

Bro its night and day. I constantly group, and constantly get left behind despite 80%ish faster run walk from gg crown, boots, charms.

You cant be a real living beeathing logical person if you think any one without TP can keep up with those who have it. No use talking to you anymore, obviously there is no rational heartbeat that would say or think this ever.

You act like people are unable to play without teleport lol. If you are in group and for some reason cant keep up, there are things like towportal too you know? If you farm in big group it take a moment to kill stuff, so your argument to not be able to keep up with others is weird.

I mean you are not making a lot of sense. If others are moving so fast and killing stuff so fast that you cant keep up with them, why are you even tranformed? to what puprose if you would be just teleporting to others? You dont need it, just stay in human form with enigma and teleport.

Try putting yourself in our shoes for one second. This is my personal reason for dislike because I actually play with frienda/family a great deal of my d2r time and experience this everywhere including bnet random. But here’s the problem for balance:

  1. Get out your stopwatch
  2. Pick any class have them use enigma to farm x boss
  3. Do it on shifter
  4. Do it again on shifter using enigma and rereshifting.

Largest difference between 2 & 3. But still a noticable difference between 2 & 4. The experience is incredibly painful and awkward know just how much. Like watching dbrunksys clickbait video on OP firebears or repear wolves. These guys make their living turning trash into diamonds for views. But even this guy broke down and begged blizz to allow cta casting in form, explained how incredibly unplayable it was WHILE saying they “strongest class” lol… streamer views logic. But back to stopwatch list.

If all classes are loosely in their most geared state, melee will lag behind caster as a first time differential. Ok acceptable thats been meta for a zillion years. But as you go down the list ans watch the times a problem appears. Shifters cant keep up. They are furthest behind. Not being able to teleport and reposition merc can mean they die or you gotta do some fun circle run. You cant just unform tp into an area decide to reshift with monsters ontop of you. There are 1000 things that can go wrong, no other classes. are forced this perspective. Like growing up in a poor innecity neighborhood. Just harder for those individuals to achieve what a richer suburban neighborhood child can do.

98% of players do not main a shifter. They just dont and wont so its even more disgusting hearing their prejudice… like… try growing up in that neighborhood

Thats not true, while i think they work quite well they are not OP, theres worlds between summon druid and enigmadin, javazone, blizz sorc, …

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do ubers half naked half afk on blizz sorc , java or hammerdin clown