If you cannot create or join games, please tell them

+1, since this morning

Also cant believe they still have not restarted the servers. A few mins downtime for all the people playing atm and then everyone could play again : /

waiting 5 hours alrdy

If you’re not a streamer, I suggest finding something else to pass your weekend with.

It’s Friday afternoon in the laziest state in America. There is not a chance anyone other than the streamers they prioritize will be unlocked if it’s the manual process they say before the end of business.

You (like myself) are not part of the preferred gamer class and therefore, you will need to be very patient. I’d think around Wednesday would be a good assumption.

#andanotherone #letmeplaythisgameagain +1

Went out to buy some food etc. Tried to log back in after 2 hours and still the same error message. It’s been about 5 hours total for me right now

+1 stuck for more then 2 hourse with 3 characters.

+1 Up to 18 hours now I think

unable to play for the last 5 hours

Character is already in a game +1

+1 on PS5 as well :@ +1 on PC

Unable to join or create games for more than 4 hours

+1 … been like 6 hours for me… i know someone been 2 days !!! BLIZZARD FIX THIS PLEASE

Watching ALL THOSE STREAMERS play the game with 0 issues makes me feel like a Woman working @Blizzard.

+1 Character is already in a game

+1 Been five hours for me.

played solo during the day, cant play with friend now :frowning:

+1, same thing for 5+ hours now

Yep, going on 5 hours now.

4+ hours later… same problem… is there a fix incoming or what?