Hydra Damage locked in on cast?

Hi all,

I have a question that I hope the community can answer.

Is Hydra’s damage locked in once you cast it. For example, I’m using spirit sword, which gives my +2 skills, to cast my 6 hydras. I then like to switch to ali baba blade, where I lose the +2 skills, for the extra MF.

Does my active hydras, which i initially cast with spirit sword, start doing less damage once I switch to ali baba because now my skills are reduced. Or is the damage of my hydras locked in once I cast them?

I hope that makes sense…

Choose a target that has a lot of life and not immune to fire. Cast Hydra and see how quickly the mob’s health goes down. Switch to alt weapon and see if the health goes at the same rate or slower. Try not to use Merc and do not cast other spells. You can technically just walk around in a non-fire-immune zone and place Hydras first with Spirit on, then with Spirit off and see if there is any difference between the clear speed.

Any existing logic can be updated by the devs at some point, but these steps will always give you actual state.