Copium? lul…maybe if you quit sniffing your own dumps for a couple of seconds you could see how dumb that statement is. Bud.
jfc… This hurt my head so much to read. Tooting your own horn like it’s gospel preached by a religious sect, never mind being maximum cringe.
D4 is a most expected game for me. When it releases Blizzard will stop making gamebreaking changes into D2R.
Was it “cuckoo” when we could P8 local games with family in D2?
Is it “cuckoo” that SSF can P8? (Spoiler, they still cant find things, but are happier bc there is an actual challenge)
I will absolutely never stop until this wrong is righted. You are stuck with me. Join or leave the forums if you dont like it.
This is a place for players who actually care about the games’ direction. Which is heading away from the P8 local lan family games of yesteryear
At the frequency you an zahra-whats-his-face post here you’ll never play d2r either.
Where is your consistency? You said p8 will remove rmt and jsp because everybody will find everything and no longer needs items from them?
Now you are saying you won’t find items? Pretty inconsistent.
I play it everyday you multi-forum identity rmt/fg/box/bot cheater.
On ladder atm and annoyed to have to be. NL is too easy and there are no p8 games to join ANYWAYS
Seems like you hate fan’s of older games, because seemingly they can only be basement dwellers.
You right especially the patches since D2r are making it a completely different game, I think that was a great motivation behind the OP, once they release D4 maybe the people that bought D2r but never liked what D2 was can move on to D4 so the people that bought D2r because they loved D2 can play the game without all the crap the visitors want to implement before moving on.
Tbh I don’t think the no P2W their will last, as I understood there will be trading, just not with everything and some things only once, but they start with a special pack where a person gets access 7 days earlier then those who didn’t pay the extra and get a mount right from the start.
That is already P2W, it’s basically what you hear the anti-D2jsp movement shout all day, the fact that some people buy gear early on in the ladder thus getting a headstart which is unfair, well 7 days of headstart and faster transportation right off the bat.
Combine that with Blizzard track record on keeping their word (and not only not breaking it, but also not changing the meaning of that word by coming with a different explanation on what they meant and making it a “misunderstanding”), I wouldn’t be so sure that it will remain free of P2W micro’s.
Check D2 Immoral, you can’t upgrade gear through paying…oh yeah well we don’t view legendary gems as gear and placed all the power in those and you can upgrade those with money…that’s Blizzard nowadays, so technically they did not lie in the earlier statement according to their own rules, but people that read the earlier statement would assume the gear is were the power lies.
I expect their will be a way to buy power (except for the 7 days start) somewhere along the way, something like you can convert whites into materials that if gathered in insane amounts can help create good stuff, then releasing a cheap re-buyable starter pack that gives you full white so not really P2W only a QoL for people that starter later, until the moment that people will start buying those packs on-mass and converting them into late game power.
Many people are willing to pay for power, Blizzard always sets extra money before quality.
You guys have been crying on the forums for weeks waiting for Blizz to make the game easier for you.
Everyone else been grinding gear.
This is why you wont get what you want.
Everything you speak is 100% opposite:
I have every gg item ill ever need. If no more drops ever happen for me on NL ill still be perfect geared to 99.99%
We want a HARDER game. You RMT liar. P1 is pathetically easy. A monkey can click on screen on a fullt ungeared melee and win. P8 is much more of a challenge
But you RMT/bot/multiboxers/fg’ers are scared as heck for p8 to become a reality. Bc it kills your values and demand for your RMT. Stop lying. Go get a real job you denyer
Actually, our in game trade values have already been slaughtered this ladder due to weak traders not knowing what they are doing, and due to Sunder charms being rampantly available.
You want a harder game? Then ask for monster health and dmg buffs, ask for tri powered immunities, and additional monster abilities. Without an adjustment to loot drop.
Demanding loot be increased with additional difficulty exposes your agenda for everyone to see, and we will call you out on it every time.
Blizzard may not have all their ducks in a row, but they aren’t as stupid as you think they are.
Want more loot with your added buffs? Ask for a new difficulty setting, ask for new content, ask for new monsters and quests. Ask for an adventure mode (A nice feature from d3) I would even be ok with an NL paragon system if it’s well thought out.
I’ll bite. Let’s assume /p8 will be implemented to battlenet. Having in mind the things stated above, for sure you will have nothing against /p8 being implemented without changing the ‘no drop’ chance of mobs.
Drop rates are more than fine as long as you have all the gg items imaginable, aren’t they?
Basically you just want another difficulty level that won’t impact the drop rates or chances.
Why than are you asking for /p8 command to come to battlenet, and not simply a higher difficulty?
Kindly help us understand.
If these guys dropped the facade and just said we want easier loot, we could at least respect that they want what they want, while still disagreeing and educating them to what degree it will ruin the game.
But, because they are cowards and somehow feel that they are going to pull a fast one on Blizzard, or somehow get less judgment from the community with their weak sophistry they will continue to thinly veil their intentions with dishonest charlatanry.