Here we go again

dupers at it again…server are lagging its unplayable…


Lag doesn’t automatically mean that duping is going on. There are many other possibilities of what it could be.

There is a thread for an ongoing issue with people in the Ohio river valley/Eastern US/Eastern Canada:

If you are in these areas, then feel free to report there. If not, report there anyway.

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Same here. cannot connect to server

Its duping tho, has to be at this point. Can’t really explain why it seems to only affect americas at 9:30 am est but not other realms

Blizzard saving money on servers could always be the problem as well, Bobby’s new car won’t pay for itself.



Maybe not the new car, but the golden parachute that he’s weaving.

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The server connection issues are so annoying, especially when I’m playing by myself


its duping, it has to be? lol bro have you heard of capacity and networking issues? Chill out daddy.

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Part of Blizz’s selling point was that D2R would run on state of the art infrastructure. Welp, another false comment.

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It’s likely not a problem with their “state of the art infrastructure”, and more likely an internet routing issue close to Blizzards server. They pay for internet service like any other company or home resident. It’s a really fat pipe, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t prone to problems.

It’d be like blaming the car manufacturer because the ride isn’t smooth… When the road you’re driving on has tons of bumps and potholes.

Some jackwagon might have cut a fiber line somewhere. :poop: happens.

You really are clueless arent you? Man people just complain to complain about things they have no understanding of.

Why do people claim duping makes the servers lag? Maybe it does or doesn’t. I have no idea, so asking if there is anymore reasoning supporting that.

Because they’re looking for resolution to the problem at hand, they don’t have an explanation for the problem at hand, so they come up with the first thing that makes sense to them to partially satisfy their frustration for the problem at hand.

They’re reasoning based on inference of past occurrences: Duping did cause problems with the original game servers, and excessive lag, game creation issues and disconnections were the primary symptoms when it was going on.

The problem with this theory with the current servers is that it would affected everyone connected to the server, not just a specific geographic location, which is why it’s most likely a routing issue close to Blizzards server that serves the east coast of America.

I’m smack dab in the middle of the US, only a few hops away from the US internet “backbone junction”, and I haven’t had problems with either North American server IP… Likely because my traffic isn’t going through whatever internet route is having issues.

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The assumption on their part is a common dupe method is to purposely lag the server out.

I do find it plausible due to the supposed ( I haven’t checked myself) huge amount of runes/sojs in existence already.

It is possible, also could be other factors too.

no but them talking about it in all the hack discoords probably means it actually is tho