Help with hell please! Ps4

I’m stuck at travincal . Please can someone finish rushing me to Baals death .


Thank you. :slight_smile:

Try and find some gear from Andi, or level up some more. Whats the point in such rush? Or just quit this game if you so tired of it, its a mess anyway…

P.S. PSN: SamTallon
When they fix “Play” button on ps5 version I can lead you, if you don’t change your mind by that time…

Hello,need Help? I Help you

Just trying to farm hell cows. I know what to do.

Why don’t you quit? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thinking about it at the moment… I can’t even play right now - they broke ps5 version with the last patch

I have been playing on ps5 all evening. No issues for me.

I could use some lol :laughing:

I don’t know on what ps5 you were playing on…

My ps5 has been perfectly fine…aside from the maintenance down times…