Hello everyone how is the game going?

There have been a couple of attempts to mod the horrible woke character art changes, but without further access, there can only be very minor changes that don’t really do much of anything in my opinion.

Fans are certainly trying to correct the issue as best they can. Not Blizzard, of course. They’ve just become a laughing stock on several levels and are comfortable with it I suppose.


Yes, you’re absolutely right. Way too much wrong think to be allowed to speak on these heavily filtered and curated Blizzard forums.

Yeah they limited access on purpose, I’m convinced. In true Blizzard fashion they think their way is always the best way and their egos can’t accept differing opinions. At least people have given it a shot.

I must say as much as I love Diablo. I feel a strong sense of vindication seeing most of my predictions about the direction of this game take place. I lurked around here a little bit just to see. And sure enough after the nostalgia wore off and they took everyone’s money, gleefully I might add. They pull back 90% of their resources and put this game on life support.


This is deeply cringey. The temper tantrum over character designs has made this one of the most embarrassingly childish fandoms in all of gaming, and that’s saying quite a lot.

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It’s almost equally cringey replying to something you deem cringey.

Similar to how it was cringey with what Blizzard did in regards to my previous statements. Cringe all around I guess!

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This r-word thinks transgenders are rare. Newsflash, transgenders arent rare - havent you ever watched adult entertaintment on the internet? Perhaps in an alternative timeline bio men and women can have entertaintment without transgenders.

And yes the amazon is clearly male. But that fits the major religions beein transgender religions anyway.

Being a transgender isnt woke…lol. Its literally being your ordinary gender thats woke for +400 years. Learn to tell men and women apart or you might find yourself attracted to your own gender when using your eyes.

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but trying to come up with genuine insults that are still blizzard approved can be fun sometimes… see what you can come up with :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you like any of the following builds, you are going to love Patch 2.4 :heart: My fav character is the fire druid and I love the changes :+1:

  • Fire Druid
  • Summon Druid
  • Martial Arts Assassin
  • Throw Barb
  • FOH’din
  • Spearazon
  • Fireball-Meteor-Hydra sorc

:point_up: all the builds work well now and are FUN to play :slight_smile: . Lots of other buffs to all classes, but the ones above are the ones that I think got the most love in the patch.

Pretty sure when he said woke, he meant the reason for the change. Which is virtue signaling and DiVeRsItY.

Yeah it is. I’m going to do my best to walk that line. Let’s see if they move the goal posts yet again.

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what did you guys do?

Freedom of speech only applies to constraints the government can place on individuals. It does not apply to how a business can control who posts on their forum.

I say be who you want to be. Asking me to ignore simple anatomy is where we disagree. Several studies have shown Gender Dysphoria has similarities to other mental illnesses. Lastly, removing your genitals and taking pills doesn’t make you a woman… In 1000 years when humanity finally rebuilds and they dig up your skeleton, don’t be angry when they jot down “discovered Male human remains”.


you mean fball meteor frozen orb, also known as fball meteorb.

my only input for you is that you got banned for violating rules not because

don’t lie to yourself and others

The point being you’re choosing to base your opinions off of what everyone else says and won’t actually play it for yourself.
That’s fine if that’s good enough for you though

I just expressed my opinion on a certain topic a little bit too clearly, harsh, rude…whatever. And that did not fit certain other members opinions here. And if you are then reported too often the ban follows.
(at least I believe that this is how it works).
But I’m not complaining at all. Was justified. Anyway.

How dare you wrong think!

Yes, vague “rules” that can change on a whim based on how bad of a day the employee is having.

Everything I said was true.

A base is always stronger when you have more pillars. Hence, more sources of information. Even someone as smart as me could learn something I didn’t know from the average person.

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other than the being banned for Blizzard not liking what you had to say about their game it might be.

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Well I was speaking about their game. The atrocious character models. Among other things.