Hell "Immune to Cold, Fire, etc.." Enemies

This is why I am glad I stuck with my Fireball/Blizz Sorc. I can farm anything in hell and only run into a couple main things that are immune to both fire/cold so then I use static and then let my merc destroy them. ie. The Countess. He kills her in like 2 or so shots.

Should give Blizz/Wall a try. Wall melts immunes and absolutely destroys bosses like baal in seconds.

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More like the majority of the playerbase don’t like em lol


Not being able to deal damage to something unless you spend a vast amount of wealth is a bad design… the end

you could prob get a poll supporting a free ber for everyone too, doesnt make it a good idea. polls are trash when arguing for or against a concept especially one that is what 18 years old. you literally just want the game to be easier

Yeah… the guy asking for monsters to be tankier is definitively asking for the game to be easier lol

Also, how gold of you to say “easier” easier is a word based on a gradient of difficulty

You can’t apply the word “easier” to immunities because they aren’t a Gradiant… they are binary… you deal damage or not

Therefor you should say “ you want monsters to be killable, how dare you”

yeah this definitely relates to the argument to get rid of immunes…not. good deflection though. its like voting to raise one tax and lower another and say you are against all taxes.

the monsters are killable, just not with whatever strategy you seem to be imploring, there are a lot of great guides on the internet that might help you learn how to play this game if you need help

just to help you out - all other things equal is the game easier or harder with monsters that have full immunity? the answer is clear and the word easier is applicable. id say nice try but it really wasnt - which lines up with why you probably struggle with immunes when the word “easier” is hard for you to understand

Totally not the same thing

As I already said, immunity is binary

Resistance is a gradient

You are not removing something to replace it with another thing of the same type, they are 2 different mechanics

does removing immunties make the game easier?

LMAO, the majority of the community. I’m sorry, who all took that poll? I did not take that poll. None of my friends or discord members took that poll. Pretty sure no one took that poll but like a few people that were linked it to that already don’t like immunity.

Lol, can’t believe you cited a poll.

Heck, lets remove negatives to resistances based on difficulty while we are at it, I have always hated that too. You know what, why cap resistance at 75? Lets just allow 100%. Why not, lets just change the entire game while we are at it. I hate ranged mobs, all mobs should be melee IMO. And those pesky mobs that resurrect the fallen, that is annoying, I think we should not need an aura to lay enemies to rest, lets just remove that mechanic all together.

Let’s see…what else do we not like in the game…

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You know what else, lets just include separate loot drops, maphack, I think we should also increase drop rates 100 fold. Griffins should just be a common drop IMO, why is that item so rare when I really need it. And those pesky ber and jah runes, man those are hard to farm, wish those were more common.

Torches should not only drop from using keys, those should just be in Gheeds shop TBH, those items are so key to being good and yet I cannot solo those runs, I need a smiter. They should really nerf ubers into the ground so that every swinging Dck can run them with basic gear. Oh, and there should be no immunities there and mephisto should just not be in the fight with that crazy aura. It’s too hard to do with all that stuff.

Game needs to change!

Immunity doesn’t make the game harder

You seem to have a hard time understanding that not being able to deal damage is not a difficulty gradient

It’s like saying that Becoming president of the United States is harder for a non- US born person

It’s not harder, it’s just not possible

Immunity doesn’t make monsters harder, you deal no damage to them.

You realize the irony of you trying to say that I’m absurd for wanting immunity removed by saying it’s as dumb as having players have 100% resistance

Mate… if it’s stupid to have players beings immune to a damage… it’s as stupid to have monsters lol

you are either intentionally dishonest or lack the brain cells for this. i asked does it make the game easier not to kill a certain mob easier although it would still apply. mobs with immunity are ALWAYS possible to kill and you are flat out lying saying they arent possible to kill. They might not be possible to kill with cold damage but always possible - mercs / other attacks / other players you name it. This idea they arent possible to kill is beyond ridiculous. It is not like your president analogy at all because you can in fact kill immune mobs you just seem to either be new to the game or completely terrible at it.

like it hurts my head that are you trying to argue you cant damage immune monsters, have you ever played this game?

Fact of the matter is, none of you have made a single valid point as to why immunity is a problem. I am sorry it is an issue for you, but this is not a valid reason for change. Topic is dead. Anyone who cannot deal with immunity just sucks at the game is all.

Time to move on people, nothin more to see here but cry babies.

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So much toxicity… it’s sad to live like that

was it you complaining about ad hominen in the other thread? you live in delusion. even if I am toxic id take that while still at least living in reality

Do you even know what ad hominem means

Him attacking people because he disagrees with them is an ad hominem because it doesn’t adress the topic

Me saying he’s toxic to behave like that isn’t an ad hominem because it adresses his argument

Stop single skill speccing and you’ll realize you can kill everything.

Always go 2 types of damage with a merc


Have magic damage

It’s not lazy

It’s their way of saying the game was meant to be played dual spec

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Wrong again

Because synergy is their way of saying the game is meant to be played single spec

Dude you don’t need to max all synergies to kill end game

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