Then define or spell out what you want to do. Its one thing to “nerf damage of top builds” and another to actually have specifics. It’s my biggest pet peeve with politicians because they never want to be pinned down on any one issue or have anything in writing because they’d have to defend themselves from rightful criticism(sorry getting off topic but I had a phone call with a Representative that didn’t go well).
Honestly, I like having immunities in the game… it makes things more interesting. What I don’t understand is why 90% of lightning immunes can be broken easily, while fire and cold immunes have a lot that can’t be broken even with max lvl conviction and lower resist.
Solution: Lower fire and cold resistances on immune (non-unique) monsters to better match the way it is with lightning immunes. This would allow fire builds to actually thrive like lightning builds have instead of being “meme builds” or “off-meta” builds at best.
Well I only speak for myself and think removing immunities and nerfing top builds damage is the solution. It would seem like too modern D3 idea yes but game balance is just poor (I mean early play balance not fully endgame geared characters that at this point can clear anything).
Others may have different ideas like adding more magic immunes (but that just solves one hammerdin build and melee/bows are still on the bottom) or make them easier to break.
I just don’t understand those that think there’s no issue with immunities at all, it’s good thing for the game to limit possible areas for farming or how immunities increase skill diversity while game is dominated by 2 classes.
Every nerf to top build makes melee/bow builds more valuable. Also it makes Hell more difficult and people here seem to want more challenge. No more annoying skipping immune mobs gameplay as well.
Again that’s just my probably not perfect idea. I’m no expert in calculations or the deepest game mechanics.
To me, I felt their Immunity system was a way to force players not to put all their eggs into one basket with the synergy system they implemented(to maximize the power of a single skill). Therefore, anyone going into an Elemental build would have to diversify their skill layout just like Physical builds have to do to counter Physical Immunes(or utilize an Amplify Damage wand). Elemental users had Lower Resist curse wands but LR is marginally effective and doesn’t break everything. What really broke game balance was 1.10 runewords. Not Enigma specifically(yeah its OP and grants awesome mobility + other perks) but more so the runeword Infinity. Getting Conviction in a non-Paladin format took the Immunity system and basically made it moot save for the fact that quite a few monsters have high Fire/Cold Resistance compared to Lightning. To balance that, you merely raise Lightning Resistance on Monsters so that Javazons can’t dominate like they do(still an OP Boss killer, they just won’t melt mobs as well if they can’t be broken as easily. Same deal with Light Sorceress).
Then for the almighty Hammerdin, you either nerf its Concentration buff from 50% to 25%(cutting its damage in half) or change it to Sanctuary aura and set its buff at 12.5%(latter change gives Hammerdins a slight bone to deal with Magic Immune Undead). FoHdins don’t have such limitations since anything they can touch, even if they’re MI, they can destroy. It’s just if they’re Animal/Beast, they can’t harm them one bit with the spell and those monsters are quite plentiful in Acts 2/3 and even Act 5(less so in Act 1 and non-existent in Act 4).
TLDR: Raise Lightning Resistance on monsters, nerf Hammerdin aura buff.
Get good and learn how to dual spec and take the time needed to progress through the game instead of wanting to finish Norm-Hell in one day. We know it is possible to beat the game quickly because speed runners have done it for years.
Maybe L2P
What the hell are you talking about? Frozen orb is great sorc.
There is nothing wrong with the immunity in the game, you just need to learn how to play better. This is not a shot at you either, it is the truth. Even solo, with no awesome gear, you can find a way. Get a good merc, get him geared, he can handle what you cannot.]
Frozen orb down all enemies except the cold immunes and then watch your merc kill the colds. Literally takes just a few days of real playing from zero to hero to get a good merc going. In fact, you can get one rolling in a day starting with nothing if you know what you are doing.
It is not a game issue, it is a player knowledge issue. Quit trying to make games easier just because you cannot figure out how to get good at the game.
So you want the super easy mode? Easy, go play normal or nightmare mode. There you go.
You want to be a godlike dude with 1 skill that kills all? Play Hammerdin.
The good old “immunity” debate… About as stale of a topic as they come. No concessions or mutual agreements from either side, it’s a wonder it’s even argued in the first place, because it’s a huge waste of time.
If immunities are removed or substantially reduced, the game becomes easier. If the game becomes less challenging than it already is, then what is the point in playing? Especially for anyone that knows the game well from playing for the past two decades…
I agree with you. I’m an old vet and played almost exclusively solo. My highest characters include a level 91 Amazon and level 81 Soc. The character needs to be set up so they can pivot when faced with a group that is immune to your best attack. The W button helps with that so you can switch to an alternative weapon set.
Unlike Diablo 3, this game was intended to be hard.
You do understand that you can use mercs to dominate enemies that are immune to the damage you deal.
Also if you are playing solo… you can split elements usually lol…
How long you been playing for? I can get a cold sorc to run hell baal in like a day or two… really isn’t that hard man.
Or, do like…someone who is not me…does… and play a second account as a barb dedicated to Warcry buffs and constantly keep you and your merc buffed with epic barb buffs.
The entire point of immunity is not just for group play, it is to get people to not be a one trick pony. Run into a physical immune, use something with magic damage. Every class has something they can run dual. The game even gives you 3 free respecs to use while you gain different power.
Infinity for immunities, Enigma for mobility, Grief for melee damage and AR issues, etc…
There seems to be a runeword for every problem in the game. Instead of addressing the underlying issue, let’s keep saying that there are end game items that you should aim for to make your builds work…
Joke’s on you, 1.10 was a giant beta test for D3…
I do believe that Infinity should help Fire and Cold builds break their immunities because it costs 2 Ber.
But I’m super against nerfing existing builds and their damage. It’s not our fault Fire and Cold resistances were tuned arbitrarily high
put 1point to warmth, 1 to fire mastery and 1 to fire wall. it won’t be broken but you will be able to kill immunes.
and btw in diablo 2 only magic characters have no immunes (well they have 2 or 3 monsters kekw). you need to farm zones that are good for your build.
Ancient Tunnels (under Lost City) and Stony Tomb are both decent farming targets (level 85 areas) that do not have natural Cold Immunes.
Usually, you target such locations for farming if you are a Cold Sorceress.
Although I think they ought to allow Cold Mastery to pierce Immunes, that was obviously intended since there are several Cold Immunities that still wouldn’t break even with level 40 Cold Mastery. Just remove the Glacial Spike synergy from Blizzard. There, now Blizzard Sorceresses do 25% less damage, but they get to pierce Cold Immunities and so are a lot less limited in where they can farm. Maybe a very slight increase of the other Blizzard synergies to compensate (test in a PTR).
If they let cold masterey to work against cold immune, bliz sorc will be the best starting char for every ladder
And why is that? Or did you miss the part about reducing the Blizzard Sorceress damage?
I dunno, I beat the game in hell solo SINGLEPLAYER self found with 2x spirits tarnhelm and spirit shroud. I used Nova and orb.
Whats wrong with the immune monsters?