Hardcore Nihlathak key runs

I’m almost to hell with my Wind Druid and I was wondering how well Carrion Vine/Solar Creeper do with Nihlathak’s corpse explodes. I would run with my sorceress but I often lag really bad when I teleport so I figured maybe running a Summoning Druid instead to farm for keys.

This is just a guess, but I don’t think they would eat corpses fast enough, and they are unreliable because enemies tend to target them and kill them off easily.

Your best bet is to use an act V merc with Lawbringer. Wind Druid’s don’t benefit much from the typical act 2 merc setups anyway. Or you can just equip it yourself.

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Nature’s peace ring helps a lot in many cases while runing nilathak

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Can you get that online? I thought it was a ladder/offline only ring.

All the old ladder only items, runewords and cube recipes are available offline and on non ladder now. There are new ladder specific cube recipes and runewords now.

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