Guess the mods don't monitor the forums anymore?

Just leaving malicious spam from fake accounts up for days i see.


dont wory, they will listen to our fedback, instead of taking a giant pile of turd on a classic game *

again and again and again and again

It is kind of an eye opener that nothing said on this console forum about functionality or in-game ideas are going to get looked or considered lol.

Kind of a bad look.
Well, it is a bad look, and it has been since release. Yikes.

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It doesn’t even make sense either. There’s a handful of people that check in here at any given time, there’s no audience here to try to scam.

Wish there was a scam likely filter like the phone calls from these indian scammers. The walls of broken English unintelligible garbage are silly. Nobody in the civilized world believes in witch doctors and voodoo lol

Seriously, out of all things… why isn’t jsp scamming right now?

Jsp’s forums are light-years ahead of this disaster. Always has been always will be. If someone creates a post like any of these with doctor’s or fake lawyers they would be closed in a heartbeat.

I heard blizzard was getting high on all kinds of drugs in the office and i also heard something about a court case of a sort. Maybe blizzard is busy.

**also jsp is poo poo and always will be. Pay to play in D2 is just straight up rediculous. Also who needs a 3rd party website just to trade or literally buy digital pictures… jsp is probably one the dumbest ideas anyone has had, with a lot of the same type of people who enjoy it.

Using jsp to Buy gear is different from using jsp to trade gear. These forums suck for trading. And the efficiency of trading with jsp vs in game trading is night and day.

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Idk some of them are kinda funny. Like the girlfriends husbands wife. At least something here brings a a bit of happiness.

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Jsp forums, huh?

What exactly is your question?

How can I get pregnant, as a man?

yes i agree, jsp is pay to win, and they need to cheat to make the already easy game, , much easier. I am still trying to figure out how to get pregnant on these forums.

I love reading ignorant comments

i love buying gear on jsp to make the game easier for me, even though it is already so easy . buy the gear with my real money. i turn my real money into forumgolds

Most ppl just trade the gear they find for fg. But if you wanna spend your money go for it.

yeah its great for trading but is even better for paying to win

No it sucks for pay to win. The prices are ridiculous. You’re better off going to any rmt site and buying your stuff.

So what is jsp? Seems everybody here knows, and I am as casual as you can get, so this term is lost on me.