Goodbye to the D2 Amazon community

Awesome, thanks for the quick reply!

@TSboyer, awesome guide. You have really done a great comprehensive guide with this. I used to play a bowazon 20 years ago and recently started playing again. Your guide has been super informative.

I started off as a broke bowazon and was able to finish the game through hell. Now when I run with my group of friends they outpace me by a mile (Sorc and Javazon). I was able to find the runes to make an Ice bow so I respecc’d into a Frostmaiden which I liked but with better gear I want to go back to a physical bowazon.

Couple questions for you.

Bow for Faith - If you were to do it all over again, which bow would be ideal for Faith? I have another 4 socket GMB but I also have a Mat Bow. Of all the base bows what is ideal in your opinion?

Physical Immunes - When I was running my bowazon I would use Magic Arrow and it would take ages to kill these mobs. Are you running past them or are you using MA on them? I am the type that likes to clear everything (old habit).

Thanks again for your reply on this thread!

  1. You want GMB Faith for pvm. And then in pvp you would want GMB Faith and it’s looking like Diamond/Shadow for some matches. Some matches in D2r, you need the 65% Diamond/Shadow 7fpa so you can wear Cleg’s for 25% slow. ← Especially vs. Assassin right now, which is incredibly over-powered in D2r.
  2. You should never have problems on physical immunes as a Bowazon. Lightning Bolt will convert your physical damage into lightning damage, and then Magic Arrow will deal with anything that may be both phys and light immune. Also, if you were working with a budget Bowa setup, your merc should be wearing Reaper’s Toll for Decrep, which will strip most phys immune to begin with.

@tsboyer For pvp, it is not viable using the matri bow 6 FPS set up? Always thought attack speed will be better than damage.

GMB or shadow bow 7 FPS is still preferable?

Actually, they JUST patched the 6fpa breakpoints. Everything is once again limited to 7fpa.
I’ll need to update this guide again as soon as I get some time to edit.

Did a new video to demo the elite bowa running chaos/cows/UBERs. It shows the general kill speeds and how you can complete UBERs with a standard bowa build with a base 1 jab using only a few gear swaps, without needing to alter the build at all, and even while being a glass cannon without battle orders.

D2r Elite Bowa End-Game Setup - 8 Player & UBER Demo.mp4 - Twitch

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Hey TSBoyer - very great work here! Thx alot. :blush:

As the expert’s eye see it with easy - atm my setup is 9fps with Windforce.
It works “just fine in like players4” and thats okay. :slight_smile:

On the long run i want some Faith, but on the other side, everything works better with a Pride-Merc. Whats your opinion on what would be most improving?

  • getting Runes for Faith?
  • getting Runes for Pride?

Get that Faith first before anything else ^^

Thx for this quick advice. :slight_smile:

hey TSBoyer thanks for the guide, Im currently playing shadow bow bowazon trying to build up for pvp. My biggest confusion comes from charm setting, I understand that the charm setting might differ depends on which opponent your facing but, I just wana know the general charm setting of yours. currently I’ve manage to get 3/20/3 frw 14 of em making 130% frw speed on bowside. thinking i should fill up the rest with either 3/18/20 life charms(perf one is too exp) or 5allres 3frw charms for making 150%+ frw on bowside and all 75res.

Whatever it is you do, you want to aim at having about +30 resistance over 75 max in hell dif. As far as frw goes, 150% used to be the standard, and I mean 150% without Titan’s 30% run. However, some bowas are claiming frw is not as important in D2r and they are trying to aim at more around 100% frw and being tankier in general to trade blows.

I haven’t tested both setups yet, but if I were to bank on a particular method, I would say 150% is probably still very important to have.

Primarily because Smite in D2r now ignores dodge/evade. So Charger/Smiters are a nightmare to deal with as a Bowa now. You almost have to stay on Lightning Bolt the entire time vs. them, just to ensure you get past their block rate to deliver the knockback to keep them away from you.

They really need to fix that. Smite should not be ignoring dodge/evade. It’s ok if it ignores block, but not dodge/evade or claw block. That’s overboard insanely strong with Grief.

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Smiters and chargers are always the bane to my zon…

I have about 130frw on shield side (max blocked) - walking away from charges etc helps a lot but i can never return a LF as they switch to smite…

Separately, i don’t think frw desync works in d2r as much as it does in legacy d2lod, its certainly functional in keeping pace w walk speed though.

hey thanks for the answer~ I saw your old guide v1.14 is this stil viable uptodate?
this one states more detail on what charms and how many of em you need to stack.

I would say it’s a great template to start with, but I haven’t copy/pasted any of that here yet because there just isn’t enough high-end near perfect character subsample duels to really say “it still works” yet. And of course there are just a lot of changes in D2r mechanically.

I’ll get around to better testing when I get some time. Nowadays I’m going on 40 and grind time to build up characters is hard to come by ^^

So with 7fpa the baseline again, it looks like diamond bow is still the overall best choice for PvP ?

Well, really you want both GMB and Diamond/Shadow Faith bows.
Some duels are better to use GMB, others to use Diamond/Shadow.
Right now though, I’m finding that Diamond/Shadow 65% 7fpa is kind of mandatory at times like vs charger/smiter & assassins, so you can wear Cleg’s for 25% slow.
GMB is better in duels where you don’t need the DR% from Dungo, like against a Necro as example or a Sorc.

But you know what, a lot of stuff is going to change when this new patch hits so it’s hard to say anything right now. I’ll end up needing to update this guide AGAIN very soon.

which recipe you are using for gloves ? hitpower ? blood ?

Hey I just rolled a 12 Fanaticism / +1 to all skills GMB Faith. Feels really bad.
What can I do now?
Should I just hit the 50% IAS BP and some other helm or try and get the 100 IAS BP but use treachery instead of Fortitude?

ort + p sapphire + magic jewel + heavy bracers or vambraces = knockback gloves
is what you want to roll

Trade it for the most you can to someone who doesn’t know 12 fanat messes up breakpoint, and roll a new one. Best you can you.


Temporarily you can use 2 Sigon (I think IK too) pieces, not sure though if it is worth it.

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