GMB vs. Matriarchal

So I just now have enough runes to combine for Faith. But I don’t have a Ber to trade for a +3 4os GMB. Been low MF farming cows for ages. I’ve gotten 3 gmb bases in 600 cows runs. They all cubed to less than 4os. But I just got a sup. Matriarchal, pre-socketed to 4os, and +3 skills.

So I gather the Matriarchal is faster but does less damage than the GMB. Assuming I will pass one breakpoint with the speed difference, how much DPS do I lose using Matriarchal instead of GMB?

This is going to vary depending on your other gear, mainly any of your +max damage sources. Assuming a fully damage optimised build with 90+ max damage from charms, war travs and max damage from helm, you should expect to see a 10-12% damage gap between the two bows.

Obviously with less max damage from gear, this gap is wider. The damage difference between the bows themselves is 28% more damage with GMB than Matriarchal Bow.

That said, the Matri bow is more versatile and is the desired bow for hybrid bowazons or magezons.

Thanks. I am considering putting it on the Matriarchal and putting it on an A1 merc, then staying with Windforce. On the merc, the damage difference is not that important, and it will give me the aura. Haven’t decided yet.

You will likely find that the fanaticism aura from your rogue merc will be on and off since the radius on the aura will be quite short.

You will be better off with getting yourself a Pride with a might Merc. It’s more DPS overall, with the minor drawback being it doesn’t shoot as fast as a faith.

Yes my understanding is that is max dps. Faith/might/pride=all 3 auras.

I’m just stuck on a base right now for Faith. That and the rune cost of Pride. I’m wiping out all my HR to combine for the jah/ohm for Faith.

Will try farming cows a few more days and see.

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This is true. On ladder im using a windforce and mercs using gmb faith and it drops in and out a lot

The Question you have to ask yourself is:

Do I want to farm for another 2 weeks to possibly get the GMB, or do I want to be able to play my build now?

You’ll be able to clear Just fine with both.