Get rid of synergies or immunities

I did say without losing clearing speed. Please learn to read.

So then you have to use 45 points to make forzen orb Viable. Thats 45 points You can use to make fireball perform at its peak.

No matter what Hybrid you make you


The only one living in a Bubble is yourself.

Edit. Static field doesnt count you cant kill anything with it. DUH!

Ah, so you want to “have it all” sorry D2 doesn’t work like that. Also the clear speed doesn’t suffer necessarily, because of your whole complains about Immunities, a Blizz sorc will clear faster against non-cold immunes, sure, but against cold immunes, way slower…average it out? Same clear speed. Plenty viable.

OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE DPS IN A HYBRID. YOU DO NOT NEED ALL THE DPS IN THE WORLD TO KILL IN D2. Be able to kill everything super fast, versus be able to kill some stuff super duper fast but some stuff super slow, what’s the difference?

Static field literally halves enemy HP + merc + fire + cold = dead = you are truly stupid, which I honestly forgot about how dumb you are, I didn’t read your name until now, this isn’t the first time we’ve clashed and I’ve had to waste time decompiling your idiocy. Ugh.


Why are you attacking me. I feel offended and personally harrassed

Lol, aww, poor baby. There there.

HAhahah see how dumb it sounds. I was immitating you. Hook line and sinker. Now gtfo.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


The point is to make it challenging. If you have issues with it, it’s because your class wasn’t intended to deal with it. Hence why people make multiple classes or different builds


This is what you hear on the daily and have it memorized because of it.

I had fun whooping you the first time up until you started flirting with me.

Now leave or I will thrash you a second time.

Yes make it challenging but not impossible. You cant switch from char to char in Single player.

Act like a baby, get treated like one? Dunno what else to tell you except grow up.

Lol that you believe that.

If it’s impossible that’s because you are bad, plain and simple.

Then again, I’m not sure why I continue to reply to you, I think you are truly beyond repair. I guess I’m just a masochist or something

Diablo 2 has had both of these for like 20+ years …

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dude you really dont understand the monsters would be adjusted to the new system as well?


Just because something hs been a certain way for any length of time doesnt mean anything. If something is broken for 100 years…still broken.

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uhm no we just left the skills at level 1 and saved the skill points…

I think Nick was refering to reverting the Buffs mobs received in 1.10.

Im only adressing this part of his post:
“but one of the not-fun aspects of earlier patches was that when you were leveling up you were just putting skill points into useless skills that you wouldn’t use later.”

Nobody did this, ever. I doubt he even played d2 back in the days… we’d just save up the skill points until we reached a skill in the tree that was in the build.

Never once did I or any or the people Ive played with just put points in the lower skills that we knew we wouldnt use later on… .why would we??? To make normal even easier??? Its not needed.


Sure. I should have mentioned that other option, of course. Doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of what I was trying to say. Regardless, its still a terrible gaming experience. Not to bad if you’re just getting to a lvl 12 spell. Not very fun if you’re new to the game and don’t know to hold off on spending skills. I don’t think its very intuitive to get massive skill trees full of skills and not put points into stuff as you start playing through the game.

I got diablo 1 in 1999. I was 12 and played that game for like 3 years before I even knew there was a D2. Therefore I didn’t get to play much before 1.10 hit, but I did play. I played mostly summon necro (with massive weak armies before 1.10) and weapon based characters during those days, and exclusively single player as we had terrible internet and I was quite young anyways. I didn’t know anything about meta builds or end game strategies. I could barely browse the internet much less play online. It took hours upon hours to download game updates. I was just a kid playing a video game, man.

Anyways - such an intense way to respond.


Yeah, you would have to scale monsters back down if you removed synergies, for sure.

I made a statement, from the perspective of new players, that they would/could end up wasting skill points on firebolt instead of hoarding skill points until meteor, and that caused some unnecessary aggro about how nobody, ever, not even once in the history of all the players of D2 EVER spent more than one skill point on a skill to level with.

Always overreactive drama mama’s looking to jump down a throat on the forums. It sucks here.

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It needs to be tweeked but not removed…there are just too many points to be spend

I agree immunities is just a lazy design, d3 did much better for monsters identity
The way we deal with immunities is even more dumb, ignore or use an item that make it like it wasnt even there
Monsters affixes should just be overhauled but there are too many c*ckblockers here assuring this game will stay stagnant

You mean remove synergies and base point limit? Wouldnt it endup staying the same as it is now?

Well, honestly I think the additon of respecs could go a long way in alleviating the major pitfall of the old system - spending on low tier skills to help leveling up, or not spending skills at all (maybe 1 point on prereqs) for most of Normal until you were high enough to unlock “the good skills”.

If you can just respec after beating Normal to an end game loadout, maybe the old skill system would actually be better now than what we have, and even better than in 1.09? Really the cost of this system would be one of your respecs, assuming you wanted to have an enjoyable leveling experience and spent some skills on suboptimal stuff for your end game plans.

Hmmm maybe someone should make a mod that converts the game to the old skill system, more or less, and rebalances the monster stats at the same time, with all the new gear that has been added in mind.

In a world where you actually skill Into multiple damage types, I think immunities have a place. They were in Diablo 1, and I really enjoyed playing a sorcerer and learning the monsters I was fighting and employing the proper spell to counter them.

I think he means that the skill would be viable with 20 points into it, with no supporting skills except perhaps things like Skeleton Mastery, Fire Mastery, etc.

I could see synergies remaining if each skill only had one synergy, tops. But at that rate I would prefer we try out no synergies at all and really just give players freedom to spend on what they want, instead of putting 20 points into firebolt because you actually want to use fireball. The lower tier spells like firebolt then basically become leveling tools that you can skill out of with a respec when you are ready.

Even in D1, you didn’t run around casting firebolt much once you could sustain the mana cost of Fireball, and spell levels of firebolt didn’t effect Fireball damage.

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