Game Black Screens, and Restarts PC

I have had this happen to me about 6 times now, I have had no information to help me diagnose what exactly is causing the issue. I have checked the vent viewer in windows but no help there as well.

PC Specs:
i7 8700k
RTX 2070 Super
32GB ram
Windows 11 Pro (Dev View)

To recreate the problem this what I have seen it happen during. When loading back to town from anywhere in any map on any act, as the door opens on the loading screen it mostly takes some time to finish. Some times it takes about maybe 3-5 seconds at most on the longest point (when the door is already opened). But sometimes what happens is both my monitors black screen, the computer sounds just as normal as when I’m playing games , doesn’t seem to ramp up or anything. Then I see my mobo enter the restart sequence (Checking POST etc.) and then windows is loading.

It doesn’t blue screen. It loads back up into windows I login and no error popups, no event viewer logs, nothing. It just restarts the PC as if I normally restarted it.

It has happened regardless if I have a show on in the background on my second monitor, or runewords listings up, or nothing at all in the background (outside of the usual) running. Pretty frustrating since I literally had it happen when I died and tried to resurrect.

If anyone has any input on this to help it would be much appreciated.

Oh forgot to mention. I also tried pressing G to go into Legacy view, thinking maybe it was a graphical bug and tried lowering graphics and turning off effects etc. Same thing happens which leads me to believe it’s an allocation error to either RAM or CPU thats causing the bug.

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Windows 11 is not officially supported at this time (it’s a preview OS, not an official release), so it’s the likely cause of your issue. You can also review your DxDiag error reporting section to see if anything else is interfering.

Windows 11 is not officially supported at this time (it’s a preview OS, not an official release), so it’s the likely cause of your issue. You can also review your DxDiag error reporting section to see if anything else is interfering.

It’s not. I have Windows 10 and experiencing the same issue.


I can still confirm Windows 11 is not officially supported. As for other crashing issues, many posters do not meet the system requirements, or if they do, they are experiencing a different issue that Blizzard is addressing. More info: AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU) - #623 by Drakuloth

This does not help the case in the fact that others on Windows 10 are experiencing the same issue. Better specs than mine that are having the same issue (Especially with tp to town delays in particular) and friends on windows 11 (same build as mine) that are not experiencing the issue of the crashing, but still the town tp delays.)

And for future reference no, the game is not installed on a HDD, they’re installed on SSD’s [more information].

I can’t comment on what everyone else is experiencing without reviewing their system information.

A full DxDiag report may help point out that the issue is related to something else entirely.

Been having the same issue. 161 volmgr failed to create a dump file.

Only happens when playing for an extended period of time (2hrs).

Game appears to minimize and comp restarts.

r5 3600
16gb ram
1070 ftw
windows 10

Check cpu/gpu temps. A forced shutdown with no warning is indicative of an overheating cpu/gpu. Msi afterburner can give you an easy temperature tracker. Report back and let us know. PS, my 2070 gaming laptop bricked after playing D2R. Several crashes later it won’t turn on and I had to RMA.

I am having the same issue as well,

PC specs

AMD Ryzen 5800x OCed 4.7ghz
Asus Rog x570s Dark Hero
Corsair 32GB 4000hz CL19
Gigabyte RTX 3080ti
Samsung M.2 980 1TB x2
Evga 1000w 80Gold

Other games running fine Except this game and it crashes hard that cause a force restart to my PC. I am searching for a fix with this issue.


All software are up to date and Temperatures are Checked as well.

Game Crashes randomly, either Click to run the game or when entering a portal.

I’ve checked my temps etc. It’s not an overheating issues, it happens when loading into town from a TP. All of my friends get the issue where they are getting long load times when tp’ping back to town, my brothers 3080 ramps up to 100%, then it either crashes to desktop or takes almost 2 minutes to load into town when teleporting but he hasn’t have his computer restart. Mine doesn’t ramp up it just either freezes on the screen until I wait around 2 minutes for it to show up, or hard crashes black screens then restarts. I’ve had my monitoring programs running in the background checking temps, everything has been updated etc. It just happens… and I’m surprised this has not even been investigated as yet or looked into by the teams…

i am having the same issue… Every Other Pc Game functions good, this one causes my system to reboot, it is like it is cutting the power…
Win 10
16 gb
1660 gtx

I also have this kind of issue. I can play about 2h the game without any problems. no relevant framedrops or stuttering. But when it’s get near the 2h mark my Displays turn black and the PC reboots into windows.

i7 6700k
1060 gtx (msi gaming oc)
16 gig ram (crucial)
2tb ssd (crucial mx500)

i didn’t notice any overheating of the hardware which could lead to an emergency shutdown, so it is weird that this happens.

Lock the framerate. Your temps are likely getting too high because the D2R client is retarded on default settings and tries to run at a constant 300 fps…

Same issue, computer restart randomly sometime juste After charging (door opening)
Pc is quite recent , power suply 2 years :
R5 3600
B350 tomahawk
650+ bronze
No hot temp, Windows 10, playing New World highest graphics no problem.

D2r keep crashing my pc even with lowest graphics.
Issue Come from the game. No doubt

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I have the same problem
I got a ryzen 5600
got nvidia 3060
got nvme hardrive 500 GB
mobo is msi 450b

Got almost the same problem as the first comment. When using a portal to go back in town, get a black screen, all my usb device (keyboard, mouse) even both my screen stop responding.

I also get black screen, but for me my motherboard doesn’t have some kind of back up that trigger. My computer get stuck like this. Futhermore, when I unplug my power cable from my power supply and reconnect it. My computer continue to run like before the crash. My screen, mouse and keyboard stay out of usage.

And the only work around I found is by removing the power cable from power cycle, turning off the power switch from my power supply and removing the battery that keep the CMOS memory -_- to clear the CMOS. Than when I replug everything power on my pc it start to work again.

I’Ve played the other diablo 2 that required cd to be install without this problem. I’ve played the tabboo new world and my pc servive. But loading screen to get in town got my pc crash so bad I had to clear cMOS by removing battery 3 times in less than 30 minutes.

I cannot give you a DX report since when the pc crash it crash so hard nothing respond. Furthermore, this was for me so bad I’ve uninstall the game until you are serious in this. I’ve renounce to play the game until this crash is resolve.

I’ve also read your FAQ about crash with D2R. I have to say it, do you know how many player use second screen or alt tab to check a data base for rune receipe ? Do you know how many want to record video or stream your game since it’s a nostagic game ? Lot of players.

I feel blizzard should review the game thourougly as this would not be accepted when blizzard were at their glory peak making almost flawless game. (The only issue you could not prevent were DDoS attach and server overload). But crash due to alt + tab and recording overlay was not a problem in your previous game.

This was created with the port over of D2 LOD to the new D2R.

Please investigate, until it is investigate I am not playing your game and if any person recommend me should they buy the game the answer will be : NO and I will be pointing all those bug.

Please consider our feedback as serious. We are your customer, we are also the one providing feedback to our friend. I’Ve invest this year to revamp my PC to the latest part. And I cannot run D2R it’s very dipressing :frowning:


got a dxdiag report available as testimony of good faith. Let me know at what address I can send the full report.

I used to be able to play the game with no issues but today I wanted to play after a some days of absence and the game reboots my PC as soon as it finished loading.

i7 8700
RTX 2070
16 gb de RAM
1 tb SSD

I didn’t notice any over heating I currently have no idea why this is happening. Id love to change my video setting just to see what happens but my PC reboots before reaching the main menu.

I was able to solve my issue by clearing Battlenet cache

For me in seems that i fixed crashes by blocking FPS to 90 max.
Good Luck all …

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if some one have black screen u can try push alt+enter. Black screen happened because resolution of the game does not match with resolution of the desctop and it work when u turn on window mode