Frozen Orb - casting delay changes?

Frozen orb is my (and many others) favorite sorceress spell and wish you could give it a BIT more love!

Consider adding a very small tweak to its casting delay. I’d add a passive ability of “-0.01s casting delay per skill level”. This would create a scenario where IF you were to get a level 50 frozen orb you could get its casting delay to be 0.5s instead of 1 - this MIGHT compete with blizzard for overall damage output (and be a LOT of fun striving for!).


completely agree.

I think the reason why they left frozen orb alone is because its a popular skill, and sorc’s are the most popular class.

having said that, i still completely agree with you,

Moaaaaarrrrr poweeeeeeeer to the best and most powerfull class in the game! No…

With casting delays being individualized, you will be able to use another spell (like meteor) alongside orb. The fact Orb only has one synergy was always meant more toward hybrid build.

Do not change the orb casting delay, it is not needed.

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I see many players saying that Blizzard does more damage than Frozen Orb, but I don’t think that Orb needs a buff. The sorceress on the whole probably has the largest amount of usable builds in the entire game. Just about any skill that you learn at level 24 or 30 can be an end game skill. It doesn’t need another buff.

When physical melee, physical javazon, physical Bowazon and all Druid builds are brought up to where they should be, we can look at tweaking orb.

Frozen Orb is a paladin skill now?

LoL. Good one. I should’ve said one of the most powerfull, or second most powerfull.

I see a lot of players wanting FO to be buffed… There’s a lot of problems now because the global cooldown between FO and blizzard has been removed… These changes make the Sorceress, which is already very powerful, even more powerful…

So I’d be very cautious about buffing frozen orb in the current state of the patch…

That said, I think if players want to have a viable FO build - it needs to be independant of Blizzard, and can’t share synergies together…

I think your idea could work (a synergy the reduces the cast delay of FO) - But I think the best way to do this would be to give FO a new synergy with Frost Nova - so more points in Frost Nova can reduce the cast delay on FO…

This would make an interesting FO-FN build more viable and help differentiate the FO build from the Blizzard build…

Casting delays make sense for skills with long animations (FO animation lasts for 2 sec) and high overall damage. If you want to buff a build with Frozen Orb as a main skill it would be better to increase FO damage (preferably via synergies other than Blizzard have) and make synergy skill(s) useful to cast in between Orbs (just like Icebolt for Blizzard). I wrote a pretty long post on this subject here - Frozen Orb needs a buff - #24 by Majesty-1216