Few Games in Join list

All that we know is they got rid of it for the PTR. I hope that means it will be fixed in retail, but for all we know, they had it that way on PTR so it would be easier for groups to find each other and test.


I hate it. The region I play in has no good players, or games in the list.

Just make D2 the way it was and put the ladder out, thats all we wanted…why is that so hard?

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i havent been able to see a single game since release… they have ruined this game.

i really hope so too. id rather play a high ping than always playing alone. the best would be a flag to switch between regional or worldwide games displayed.


I have bored to see similar threads.
Many players quit waiting for 2.4/Ladder.
Sadly for you who still play it, you have to deal with the ghost town,but when patch comes, many, including me, will return.

What I’m tired of hearing is that the game list is so short because a lot of people quit and aren’t playing until ladder. That not true, at least as the cause of a short game list.

If you change the realm to EU, play a game there, then come back to Americas, you see the true game list. It is full of games over 20+. After the first automatic refresh, they all disappear and you are left with maybe five games. The actual game list for the Americas is very healthy. Blizzard just isn’t showing it, for whatever reason.

That is why the game list is short. Not because people have quit.


Same, I’m tired of hearing that as well because a lot of people don’t seem to realize how much more fun/productive the online mode could be (similar as it did in 2000s)

This was also proven by comparing the PD2 game list to D2R a few months ago:

Because PD2 connects all players to one game-list, there were more active normal games with 350 users online than most D2R game lists with tens of thousands of players online.

So to say the online mode is a ghost town because everyone quit is a piss poor excuse.

I wish they would implement the search box filter with the IP fix, that would completely transform the entire online atmosphere with this simple fix.


So spot on Nickie. It can’t be understated how important access to a lot of game options can be in a game like this. And also how detrimental it is when you don’t have access. A game list with five or six games on it is a death sentence.


Why tho, d2r release has basicly everything ladder has without only ladder. And not many people is interested in mindless race to first places.

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Yes and no.
Yes it had everything lod has and no cause many, including me, want changes cause is boring doing the same with the same builds 20y now. Nothing was promised of course at launch or before it but it was a bit obvious that changes will eventually come, for me personally 2.4 brings my favourite spec , summoner druid, to a viable spot so is all i am waiting for.

Edit: you know, ppl do care for ladder, me as well, isnt only a race but for the fresh start, new economy, race about trading a shako for a high rune at the first days, example. Etc. Esp with this ladder which will have new runewords.

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join a discord! best way to find ppl and games. I got bnet group and discord, the lobby is useless

tbh i am on a team on discord but none of them plays anymore, literally 0 ;p

I’d be interested in ladder with more character slots…but as it is, I’ll be prevented from playing it :frowning:

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Spot on.

With no character slots, ladder is going to be worthless. I realize that gamers who have lots of time to devote to playing may be fine with deleting all their characters and items to play ladder, but for the rest of us deleting the progress we’ve made with the small amount of playing time we have isn’t a viable option. :frowning:

Without extra character slots, the game is dead.

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everyone talks about them limiting what games we can see to local ip…can someone actually send a link where blizzard actually states this? From what I can tell this isnt the issue and theres just hardly any players left.Send some kind of link of them stating this or its not true

Why would they state it? It’s been obvious since the global server infrastructure dumpster fires were resolved, you can even see it by how games list will be fully populated until first refresh when it de-populates to 0-5 games only because it’s now based on proximity/locality/ping. Sometimes all you need for proof of something is experiencing it or the “eye test”, just see it for yourself.

Yeah I was looking through the D2 discords I have and don’t see any group activity anywhere.

Get used to it, its here to stay.
Ladder isn’t coming to save you.

yeah the games dont differ at all 10 games on start 10 games after refresh and trying it on all servers and back again.Been the same for 2 months, and yes everybody says blizzard said its a issue with ip stuff.yeah send me the link showing them saying that.Proof is what we can all see, games dead lol. if you think 2.4 is going to miraculously be a saving grace and the servers will have players galore your in for a harsh reality check… guaranteed

I’m sorry but how is this bug still present? It’s completely unacceptable! 5 million copies sold and somehow I only ever have about 10 games that I can join at any one time? This thread indicates the issue is due to separate server lists. First of all, this means some people are at a severe disadvantage in competitive ladder and secondly, this is dramatically reducing the experience of online play if I can’t find the games that I need.