"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

eu, pc
char name:msx

Same here locked out.

Battletag : RipCityRick #1494
Character: Witch_Slap
Server: Americas
Platform : PC Win10

i think this has something to do with the shared stash.

1 Like

Battletag : ItzaHoudini#1503
Characters: ItzaHoudini, ItzaHammerTime, ItzaSummonancer
Server: Americas
Platform: PC

Battletag : Athala #2446
Character: AthaTrap
Server. Europe
Platform PC

Battletag: thepaperboy#1959
Character: Tirion
Server: North America
Platform: PC Windows 10

Unable to join game already in server

Character: Nantel
Server: N/A
Platform: PC Windows 10

Why not might work …

Character: Agozz
Server: EU
Platform: PC Windows 10

Battletag: ozeN#2417
Character: ozeNz
Region: EU
Platform: PC

I literally didn’t even use my shared stash before I got hero bugged into a game. 100% not the case.

Battletag : therb1 #2411
Character: Lindemann
Server. Europe
Platform PC

Im only getting “please check that you are connected to the internet”. Any update on how much work is left to fix the issues?

Same issue with me as well.

Battletag: Necro#12748
Characters: King Of Fire, KingofNature, KingSummons
region: Americas/NA
Platform: PC
Locked character and sometimes getting this error aswell.

“An issue occurred while communicating with the game servers. Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again”

I am plenty connected to the internet and what not and tried what i could nothing seems to work. lol (also can play on my brothers account at least we tried logging in to test the issue)

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Server: EU

I am also having this issue, with my paladin, all of my friends are running Hell Chaos and Baal runs, and I will have to beg for someone to help me with Hell Ancients now since I my character is
“Failed to join enter game, this character is already in a game on the server.”.


Same state.
Blizzard? Did you forget how to erase Shadow Warrior?

Same here

Battletag: Xenks#1870
Characters: Skute
region: Americas
Platform: PC