"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Character: Blubbertus
Region: EU
Platform: PC Windows 10
Account: MCBLUBBER#2545

Character: khags
Region: na
Platform PC Windows 10
Account: khag#1238

6 hours ago

asking kindly unlock me please :wink: we all want to play

not only STREAMERS

eu server
char name - Bugged

dont think we need to post our btags and characters… but please unlock my ONLY character on this account… would really appreciate being able to play a game i preordered on it’s release

Character Blibster
Region: EU
Platform PC Windows 10
Account: Ledge#21260

Character : Las-Plagas
Region: NA
Platform: PC windows 10
Account: FionaR#1175

Same here, can’t play any characters and no updates. Good release and value for the purchase.

Same probleme here whats is the point to lunch a game that got some stupid issue like this one some peps can play and some not and this is fair !!! Really desapointing about blizzard we all pay the same price for this game…

battle tag: Lilmax15#1423
Char Name: Ebah
Region: Americas
Platform: Windows 10 PC

streamers are playing the problem is solved


Character: Annastina
Region: EU
Platform: PC win 10
Account: Foorest#2225

Char: Blizz
Region: Americas
Account: Ark0wl#1984
Since noon

I hear they have a DLC you can purchase for $999.99
DLC includes;
No character lost issue
No character stuck in mystery game
Access to competent employees
that is all.

Same issue with all of my guys funny how there hasent been a update or any word that this is being fixed

Same, my char is locked for more than 7h now…

Acc: juhas514#2307
Char: Nirvana
Region: EU
Platform: PC Win10

1 Like

Pc windows 10
North America

Please unlock…

Character: Helona
Region: North America
Platform: PC windows 10
Battle Tag: MadameBlue#1384

Since 8AM PST that I can’t play. I lost the day off (friday) i took to play…

Yeah, it sucks… but I wonder what the actual cause of this is. About 5 hours hours in now, but that is a lot less than some others. Feels bad. It’ll get fixed, hopefully sooner than later.

Character : Krutash
Region : US
Platform : PC Windows 10
Account : Krutash#1405

Character: Nyhillus
Server: North America - east coast if that matters
OS: Win 11

Been locked out for 4 hours

Same issue on my account too.

Acc: Sk3tch#11490
Char: Ket
Region: Americas
Platform: PC Win10