"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Same here… this is a joke

Same problem going on here with character stuck in game


“Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again."

BattleTag: Brhoezer #1140
Character: Brhoeda
server: america
platform: PC

Almost 24 hours passed : /
If they dont fix it today, its prolly over for the weekend!

Literally so close to deleting this game for good


Same issue 6+ hrs now

Every character on my account including New toons.
Platform: PC
“Failed to create/join game” “This character is already in a game on this server. Please try again.”

BattleTag: RShackleford#1440
Character: RosaDiaz
server: US
platform: PC

Same issue :

BattleTag: RagnarQC#11894
server: US
platform: PC

BattleTag: Geddeon#2652
Character: Chloe
Server: EU
Platform: PC

Server: Americas
Battletag: BigGeoffrey#1577
Char: BigGeoffrey


BTag: Dread#2935
Character: Dread
Region: America
Platform: PC

stuck about 6 hours

Same problem + when i created a new character i got a black screen…

Char: MaNaKiLLaH
Server: EU
battletag: MoNoKiLLaH#2286
Platform: PC

Same issue 20+ hrs now

Every character on my account including New toons.
Platform: PC
“Failed to create/join game” “This character is already in a game on this server. Please try again.”

Char: Derfel_Sorc
Server: Americas
Platforme: PC

Pretty plz

Same issue. I would appreciate updates around this…

Locked out for +10 hours. Really looking forward to play!

BattleTag: GreenBullet#21860
Character: OrangeWine
server: Europe
platform: PC

Character name: Bornbazine
Region: NA
Platform: PC Windows 10
Battle tag: Bornbazine#11947

Btag: NYR2012#1589
Character: Tsungred
Server: NA
Platform: PC

Same here, I even tried creating other characters and got server and connection errors with those. So, no playing what-so-ever for my account.