"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

나도 똑같애 지금 하루넘었네 오늘은될줄알았는데
ip도 바꿔보고 모뎀도 껏다 켜보고 다했는데 안된다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ㅡㅡ

BattleTag: Gate13#2446
Character: GateBlizzSorc
Class; Sorceress
Server: Europe
Platform: Windows 10 PC

Character : Frigora
Server: US
Platform: PC Windows 10

Thanks in advance


make better stress tests noobs
5 hours is my character online
are you working on it or laughing about us ?

Same here!!!

Character: Sokeres

Bnet tag Gallipego#1297
Character name StormGallipego
Server UsEast
Happened last night at 10 pm and haven’t been able to join Games since.
“Character is already in a game” issue and black screen when joining with a New character.

btag: Marovian#1299
Character: Marovian
Region: US
Platform: PC

Same error for 3 hours here…
All characters are failing to join games and receiving the error

Battle.net Account: Monty#11873
Character: SnipSnap
Server: NA
Platform: PC

“Failed to join enter game, this character is already in a game on the server.”

Same here
Character: Keko-Soso
Class: Sorceress
Server: Europe
NA Platform: PC Windows 10
PC Windows 10

BattleTag: Tony#22132
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Chararcter name: Tony

Battle Tag : 밤기사#3563
Character : sorceress
Server : korea
Platform : Windows 10

Same issue here

Character: Fleshlight
Region: Americas
Platform: PC

Character: Trapperoonie
Server : Europe
Platform PC Windows 10

Same issue here.

BTAG: Proverbial#1340
Character: Proverbial
Server: All
Platform: PC Windows 10

Same issue.

BattleTag: Seven#2377
Character: DR_Death
Server: Europe
Platform: Windows 10 PC

btag: Tapete#1810
Character: Hercules
Region: US
Platform: PC

you joking? 5 hours…

BattleTag: clutchwow#1762
Region: US
Platform: PC
Chararcter name: CLUTCHSORC

BattleTag: Bradaconda#1690
Region: North America
Platform: PC and Xbox
Character Name : Iceehot

Character: Ears
Account: zqzm
Server: Europe
Platform PC Windows 10