"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

same here:
Battle Tag: Felegar#2198
Character: Felegar
server: Europe
platform: PC Windows 10

Unlock me u have stuck more then 2 hours . Thankyou
Battletag: vank0
Character name: mkvL
Region: Europe
Platform: PC

same here :sneezing_face:

Battle Tag:


Region: Americas

Platform: PC

Char: Leicam

BNet tag: ThumbsUpGuy#2257
Region: Eu
Platform: PC
Character name: Assasin

cannot login even with new character.

Character: Budew
Region: North America
Platform: Pc Windows 10
Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

BattleTag: BioDanceBeat#2737
Region: EU
Platform: PC Windows 10
Charname: RDH
Frustrationlvl: over 9000

edit: nvm, uninstalled both all games and launcher, please refund.

Character: JerJerJai
Server: North America
Platform: PC Windows 10
Battle Tag: JerJerJai#1369

“Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”
Been locked out for over 14 hours

same here
Bnet-tag: Masterpetz
Char name :TSB-Friday
Realm: Europe
Platform: PC

Battletag: Mannymayn#2768
Character: Iceicebaby
Server: EU
Platform PC Windows 10
“Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”

Same issue, been stuck for roughly 4 hours now

BTag: gwok#1892
Character: Skittles
Region: America
Platform: PC

PC Windows 10

Locked. EU / PC / Char: Xindy FLEX#2466

Fix plz :slight_smile: :hot_face: :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

BattleTag: Polestar#1239
Character: ALL OF THEM
server: ALL OF THEM
platform: PC

Character: themagicbush
Bnet Tag: mthafknjones#1971
Region: North America
Platform: PC Win 10
Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Have had this for the past 7 hours, please unlock me.

Battle Tag : datrue#2968
Character : PETALOYDAS
Server : Europe
Platform : Windows 10

Character: Vicious
Region: NA
Platform: Windows 10
Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Battle Tag:


Region: EU

Platform: PC

Char: EisFrau

Character: swallyone
Region: Europe
Platform: PC Win 10

Tag: Ƕ69#1883
Character: Sorceress
Region: America
Platform: PC

Platform: PC
Char: Wexizon

Been locked out for over 4 hours