"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Character: all characters
Battletag: Geff#1143
Server: NA
Time zone: PDT
Time locked: ~12:00 pm (2 hours ago)
Platform: PC

Battletag: Habery#3407
Character: Habery
Region: USA
Platform: PC

‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

BattleTag: ecarlson#1273
Character: MARA
server: N/A
platform: PC

Make fast - Current Shareholder

Battletag: CRAZYKOALA#1838
Region: America
Platform: PC
Time: Since 1:30PM EDT
Issue: Character already in a game on sever

Battletag: winglot#2362
Character: ToxicChill
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Issue: ‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

Battletag: excera#21610
Character: All
Region: Europe
Platform: PC

‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

Battletag: d0ugy#1646
Character: All
Region: USA
Platform: PC

omg current shareholder… you must be important!

I would have logged off prior to this maintenance if I knew one was coming. Wow now we all pay the price by not being able to play the game. Some people took work off for this too.

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BatteTag: Skwomber#1793
Character: Athena
Region: Americas
Platform: PC

‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

Battletag: Sicwitit #11677
Char: Sicwitit
Region: AMerica
Platform: PC
Time: Since 1030am
Issue: Character already in game on server… bug happened when i tried to make a game public… please resolve thank you!!!

battletag: imSteve08#1711
Character: All
Region: USA
Platform: PC

Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please Try again.

5 hours locked out of level 85 Paladin US

Same for me, all characters are still in game.
Platform : PC
Server : EU

BattleTag: Nick#1776
Character: Ako
Server: Americas
Time: Since 11:30AM MDT
Platform PC - Windows 11

“Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”

Battletag: Follow#2266
Character: All
Region: Europe
Platform: PC

‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

battletag: Oysterhead#2508
Character: All
Region: EU
Platform: PC

‘’Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again‘’

Blizz, it’s time to reset the servers

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Also added info I cant log in to any char as well… or my main… thanks