"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Same story, character locked in the game for over an hour now. Unable to play the stuck character or any newly created online character. Complete Blizzard launch day sh!t show as usual, shame on us for thinking it would be any other way with this company.


Yeah. I was thinking the same. Here we are, waiting for weeks for the game to finally be released after the last Beta, and the same issues are still here; alive and kicking. One would think this would be one of their top priorities to fix before launch.

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It’s happening on console too although I am also sometimes getting char does not exist on servers. This is nutz.


any answers from them?

Same problem here… Can’t even create a new hero: black screen… Refound is solution.


No, they keep quiet.

I accidently hit alt while pressing f4 for a skill and now, a full hour later, it still tells me my character is in a game on the server.

By now the character should have disconnected. I fear this wont be addressed until the servers are reset.

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same thing for me. Cant play any char. Been almost an hour

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Same issues here… Can’t start a new game with an other char either.


не удалось войти в игру данный персонаж уже находится в игре на данном сервере.
был персонаж 10го уровня, а стал 5го, квесты и шмот не сохранились в прогрессе. что вообще происходит? за это я деньги заплатил? нахрена вы бетту делали, ничего не исправили! Создал другого перса, при заходе в игру черный экран и ничего нет, подождал 10 мин и ничего не происходит - ждать можно вечно! прогресс не сохраняется!

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Been stuck for almost 2 hours with “character in game” now. this is actually pissing me off at this point…


Having the same issue. My level 9 sorc is “in another game” and has been for 2 hours. I tried creating new characters but as soon as I try to join or create a game, it immediately fails.

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Amazing they are failing to launch a game that is two decades old…and their support…oh just a sh*tty as ever…


Exactly the same issue here. Why the hell didn’t they extend the beta and fix some of these issues? I understand the servers being overloaded but characters are reporting that their levels are rolling back, some even to level 1.

Currently my main level 9 sorc is “stuck in another game on the server” and nothing I do helps. Creating other characters doesn’t either because I can’t join or create any games with them. What a swell launch.

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same here:
Character: MrSprinkles
server: Europe
platform: PC Windows 10

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Pls just restart the servers again.



Same s…

same issue here, wondering when they are gonna fix this… much dissapoint


reboot the servers again Blizz. come on… Help us out here!


I have a feeling they absolutely know about this issue, and are leaving it there on purpose to control server traffic knowing the number of active players will go down and down when anyone leaves a game. They will probably then launch a server update where they restart once they reach some lower number they have in mind.