"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Battletag: Steal#1520
Character: All characters
Server: Americas
Time zone: GMT-4
Time locked: Start of Server Maintenance
Platform: PC

Issue; Characters that were on the account at the time of the Maintenance’s Start are “already in a game” and all newly created characters from then till now give a “Error creating game”, hence it seems my whole account is somewhat locked out.

Both Charactrers i have
Locked all weekend.

Let me in! xD

Gr8 servers boyz. gg

Battletag: Mike12Qc#1460
Character: Bob
Region: NA
Platform: PC
Locked in game server

Character: Worldguard
Region: Europe
Platform: PC
Timezone CET
Timelocked - About 19:30, shortly after Maintenance started.

Battle Tag: FourAM#11792
Character: FourAM
Region: US
Platform: PC
Time: Maintenance start 9/26/2021

2nd time I’m getting this error.
Battletag: Mushin#1761
Character: DoraTheExplorer
Region: USA
Platform PCe

Battletag: 훅실이#3562
Character: all
MainCharacter: HookSil_First
Server: ASIA
Platform: PC
Time: locked out since 10:30am pst

Character: Hurrykayne, sorceress
Region: Europe
platform: PC
Timezone CET
Timelocked 9 pm local time

such a bummer and major letdown from the dev mgmt


Char: Luckyducky
Region: EU
Platform: WIN10 PC

Battle Tag: SneezyDwarf#1333761
Character: Calar
Region: US
Platform: PC
Time: Shortly after Maintenance start.
Issue: Character in use on server, cannot create/join new games.

Battle Tag: BigBlam#1911
Character: Skelam
PC - Softcore
12:30 CST Its now 3:30

Bnet Tag: y3kboarder#1942
Char: DrDruid
Class: Druid
Server: US
Platform: PC Win 10

hope everyone is using social media to warn people about this crap


Btag: MyGun#11931
Char: Notachick
Platform: PC
Region: Americas

I see a rolled back version of my character on my main screen and according to the error I receive trying to log in that’s because I’m still in my previous game. I’d love to keep my progress after selecting “SAVE & QUIT” from the game that I, you know, made progress on. How are these states not actually being saved, are the servers that much of a joke?

Battle Tag: mttank#1373
Character: All
Region: US
Platform: PC
Time: Maintenance start 9/26/2021

Character: All characters
Region: Europe
Locked for 4+ hours

Char: NoGodComplex
Region: EU
Platform Win 10 PC

Char: all of them
Region: US
Platform: windows

All of my characters got locked due to 09/26’s maintenance.