Extends Charge lasting time to 30-60 sec

All of the Assassin charges only last for 15 seconds, its affects game play so much. Basically, you have to keep looking for monster in order to keep your charges counts.

Anyone played assassin this patch would feel that, you need to find a way to keep your charges in some boss flight. EX: Takes more than 15 secs to summon Boss or the pre-boss mobs. Its just annoying.

Would be nice if the charge lasting time can be extended to 30 - 60 sec, I don’t mind if it requires another (non-weapon)gear to do so.

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I have experienced the exact same thing, its bloody frustrating. However keep in mind the assassin was never supposed to be like this.
Mosaic has killed the MA playstyle so while I agree with you that its frustrating and frankly makes the build not worth playing for me I don’t think the time for charges should be extended.
Mosaic needs to go and the MA tree re-worked such that the original theme of building charges and releasing them is returned and made smoother/viable/etc. By extending the charge time we just go further down the mosaic rabbit hole.