Enable px commando online for more challenge and more efficient runs

Who says you need top-gear to kill most areas P8? And what about EXP? And do you honestly think P8 raises the drops this much, like do you have any knowledge of D2? :roll_eyes:

That’s why I ask for better drop rates, too.

Ignore Zahramar…he is a known greedy troll, always trying to trivialise the D2 experience by pushing for increased drop rates and /p8 in online. No point in engaging with him.

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I highly doubt that the Px option will be used for the activities mentioned above for the majority of the time. Some players may enjoy the challenge to do certain activities on P8 but that’s about it.

1.) If the game is so anti social and against multiplayer then why are people suggesting options that are commonly used for specific goals (XP, higher chances of drops) during single player on the multiplayer side of the game?

I’d rather discuss suggestions that encourage multiplayer than discourage players to engage in multiplayer games.

2.) Why would you join a greater than 1 player lobby if you have the option to set a password, set the max player count that can join your game to 1 and the option of Px?

You wouldn’t.

Speak for yourself. I would.

Be realistic and honest to yourself and maybe you’d come to the same conclusion.
For me yes i would exactly do that and abuse the benefits.


Realistically, I know there are times that I want to play solo and other times in groups. Sometimes I want to play relaxed and other times engaged. Sometimes I want to be the group alpha killer and other times not.

The introduction of p8 would not eliminate groups as solo p8 is a death trap or super slow depending on build/gear.

In addition to “abuse” the benefits, you would need a character strong enough to solo clear p8 with a reasonable efficiency. If you have that character, p1 is super boring. So even thar argument is problematic.

Currently, people split mf games so that “abuse” is happening.

I don’t have that character but if it is being confirmed then i can assure you that i’ll make characters capable of clearing P8 and farm the heck out of the game. I would adjust the Px level as my character power increases and eventually i’d be able to clear P8. It may not be optimal in the beginning but i am also independant and i can reduce it to P7 or 6 to increase efficiency at any time.
I’ll do that all solo or with a friend of mine, literally ignoring everything else and at that point i wouldn’t care about other games or hope for others to join.
I basically get everything i do offline right now and i am sure many others would do the same.
There is literally no encouragement of engaging in a multiplayer game, except good will, in fact it removes one because it doesn’t matter anymore if people join or not. Every player is independant and don’t require others anymore to gain the benefits.

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Are you doing that now in split mf games or soloing TZ which in some ways is like px?

I am mostly playing offline farming holy grail where p3 or 4 is more than enough.

Px already exists online. It is split mf games. Adding px as an option is a qol adjustment.

I play exclusively online where I am blocked from doing p3/4 solo. Since I want the option to play with others for the characters that I invest time in, single player is not a viable option.

wouldnt a serious botter also multibox thus having px wherever they want?
seems like having px online would only help legit players be competitive in my book.

what am i missing?

i dont really mind cause i can always hijack some public game but it sometimes causes frictions :wink:

Man…and I swear I won’t reply to you after this.
While I partly agree with your reasoning, you need to please try to understand something: the part that you consider a hassle…looking for games…being fast in order to finish your objective before the server empties…is part of the game.

Does it bring a wow level of complexity and depth!? No. Just another ‘mini-quest’: find the split mf game…find a good area that is free…be fast…rinse and repeat. But this is how the game is meant to be played. It’s just another hoop to jump through. Some of us like jumping through that hoop. I also get that when you wanna just relax, you would like to have the same level of rewards as when you are playing more involved and do the process detailed above.

I truly get your train of thought but try to also resonate with the fact that some of us want to preserve this, as primitive as it may seem in the current day and age of gaming. :vulcan_salute:

Things evolve. D2R is not D2.

Do I really want to click to pickup gold? Heck no. Do I want the convenience of a shared stash? Heck yes. Do I appreciate having more high level areas to farm (i.e. terror zones)? Heck yes.

Change can be good.

For the sake of the potential of a healthy conversation, I will once again reply.

As I stated multiple times: I am all for chance!! I totally agree with the above statement!
Give a new difficulty level!
Give me major meta breaking balance patches that will actually encourage people to play together! in order to conquer that new difficulty tear.
Add new uniques!
Add new runewords!
Add new sets!
Revamp unused sets and uniques!
Give us stackable gems and runes or a separate inventory!
Make melee and bowazones great again!
Actually develop a working system that will bring down the hammer on botting!
Make an in game market to crush jsp!
I could go on for ages!

I am only against a couple of things: No personal loot, no /p8 on battlenet and don’t the touch the drop rates…they are in a sweet-spot EXCEPT…there is a scenario where I would be ok with increased drop rates:

If they add a new truly infernal and ridiculously high difficulty level, I would be ok with increased drop rates! There I said it!

But this is how you breath life back into the game! This is real change! Not by creating a greater rift in an already fragmented player base. Imagine actually having to party up to defeat normal baal, not uber. And it’s so easy to achieve!

SO again a wholeheartedly NO to /players8 command on Battlenet!


The drop rate has already been touched by terror zones.

Optional instanced loot would be useful. The reason people split mf instead of playing together in the same zone is that they do not want to compete for drops and for more drops. We haven’t even touched the topic of controllers users on PC and various cheats (pickits and loot filters) and ninja looters.

Optional px has been discussed with you already.

I agree that introducing a harder difficulty would be good. I think Blizzard felt that TZs were that.

Individual loot on unique/ set and maybe runes will do the job, shared loot on normal, socket, magic and rare items, the item dropped will apear to u on 2-3 screens of the same area, that will help players to play multiplayer with more people and continue to have a chance to get good loot if they are on the same zone, uniques and set items will stop to appear on the ground if the player is on another zone.