Druid summoner in 2.4 - My feedback

I hope i am wrong :slight_smile: and i unterstand your point with the synergies.
My test is only with 38 vs 20 skillsā€¦ i dont have the gear as in pod. But it feels weak.

But the summon necro have 2 synergies too and it works different.
For me its seems that the nerco summon is a old 20 years build and it works well ā€¦ the summon druid is ā€œnewā€.

What i mean is:

20 points in dire wolf
20 points in grizzly

I will use my own numbers for example, these numbers are made up for example.

  • You have no +skill
  • Dire wolf doing 150-200 damage at lvl 20 when spawned on his own
  • Grizzly increasing damage of Dire wolf as synergy 10% per level so 200% at lvl 20 so final damage of Dire wolf will be 450-600 damage.

Ok now you precast dire wolf and grizzly with +20 skills gear and then remove +skills equip.

  • precasted Dire wolf at level 40 is doing 300-400 damage
  • grizzly synergy is still at 200% as only hard points are counter towards damage so final precasted damage of wolf will be 300-400 x 3(+200%) so 900-1200.

So even if you lose +skills gear, wolf precasted on higher level will still maintain higher damage.

Thats how i understand it.

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The most problem with my test results with diablo was that they die to much (presummon at 38 and infight with 20 hardskills)ā€¦
I can resummon only with +20 hardskills and they suxx.

My tests with +38 skills, my minions donĀ“t die and diablo is down very quick.

I love 2 hear your tests :slight_smile:

i agree i use regular reaper toll , guliame face and a duress, u can kill dclone easily with this build, my summons are lvl 43 and i can kill 1 player game hell diablo in 3-5 seconds, and hell baal in about 12 seconds. Easily be used to farm and kill dclone.


I dont think certain summons snapshot skills. When you get a skill shrine, and you cast everything, when the skill shrine expires, the lvls are removed from the summons.

How can I tell? B/c when your low lvl the extra skill lvls allows you to summon a extra raven or wolf for example, and when the skill shrine poofs, so does the extra summons.

The stats on the summon stays, say iam lvl 50 sksleton i have 15, but with shrine i can summon 16, when it wears off even thou 1 skelton is removed, those 15 left are not vll 50 there lvl 52 skeletons.

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decerep doesnt double your damage, it breaks phsyical immunites and pumps your damage by 50 percent.

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yup, Double damage is Amplify, and in Hell, it grants not only a physical immune break, but also a 50% damage bonus for most targets (since they have 50% physical resistance most of the time). With Decrep in hell, it merely removes the resistance so your physical hits do 100% damage, vs the 150% of Amplify.

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Zerginfestor was fasterā€¦ your wrong for hell :slight_smile: .
Thats wehy Decrep or AP is huge in hell and without it you hit a wall after nm for a summon druid.

My summoner didnt hit aby wall and finished hell :slight_smile: with Act 3 merc.

i agree the build cannot work effectivly without a merc that cast amp/ decrep. Or the veyr least have fanta aura. My summons are lvl 43 but i got gcs for lvl 45, i keep in stash for incase dclone. You will hit a wall in act 3 hell hell, with decked out gear. After act 3 , act 4 and 5 will be painfully slow.

ill make a video and post it on here this friday on the summon druid and show game play , gear stats etc thoughts.

Dont get me wrong, its still easy mode in hell for a summon druid. Im still without any death and do only baal runz :stuck_out_tongue:

But that 50 phy dmg reduction by default in hell hurts meelesā€¦ and meele are op in d2ā€¦ oh wait :smiley:

You can play with act 3 merc (i personally skip pi with tele staff and want more dps with act 2 might for other monster)ā€¦

@ZAX BTWā€¦ any test results :=)?
@Holyknight fana aura is huge, not only for the dmg but the ias for the slow slow attacking minionsā€¦ the most underrated dps buff is enigma, because of the telestomp, you get the full party dmg on minions after the tele and donĀ“t have to wait until they are walking (very slow) to them :slight_smile:

No, Iā€™m not wrong. Thatā€™s exactly what Amplify does, itā€™s a -100% to Physical resistance. Decrepify is -50%.

No, i didnt have time at all yesterday.

I might today. But there sould not be any question about it.

If you summon grizzly at his lvl 50 and then go to grizzly level 1 with loss of + skills, he would magicaly lose 49 levels while still being summoned? Like how?

This is why I went partial shapeshifting with my summon Druid. Only level 35 so far but it kills quite effectively.

No ravens either

At least Iā€™m part of the fight

If necro summons can snapshot power bonuses from +to skills and synergy bonus from +to skills, it should work whit all summons, unless thereā€™s a bug. But I havenā€™t experienced such in OG D2, but havenā€™t tested it in D2R where new bugs could come out. I will also look into the matter tomorrow afternoon.

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Its not grizzly level 1, its 20 (hardskills).
I think its a ā€œbugā€ that the summons are can not snapshoted and they have the hp and/or dps of the current level in your skilltree.

The Oak Sage is fine. The HoW is fine ā€¦ and for necro summons it works too.

Its doesnt matter if its 1 or 20, i used it only as example as if you would have 1 point in it.

I will test it like that 1 hard point grizzly with +42 all skills precasted vs 1 lvl grizzly without any + skills at all.

When I will be home


Zax you are the MASTER!Hope to see feedback!

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thx, i have done that 50x in pod and only 4x in d2r (dont have the gear 2 feel the difference but i think its still there)

i hope im wrong in d2r :slight_smile: