Discussion about player killing

And this is what i’m talking about the whole time. It kills socializing and cooperation with other players.

You just stop trusting people. And it’s not okay, that’s why it’s such a big dissapoitment for me personally.

And that’s why i play alone with good chars, that are well equipped - won’t risk to play with any stranger.

Sad and stupid. Keeping the PK impacts on other aspects, that are IMO far more important. (making friends, play together, talk, share loot etc)

It’s just not worth it to prevent developing this ‘anti pk’ flag.

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There is nothing like that.

Prove it.

Of course it isn’t, because You’ve never seen it, right?
It happens everyday.

People all over the forum write that adding this flag will kill entire PK, yet, You still need the proof for that. I’ll leave You with that.

Generally speaking, i’ll let it go from now on.
The truth is noone gives a damn and it’s not like writing on this forum and discussing with people will change anything.

Have fun guys, bye.

Of course there is a possibility of a new hack that can kill HC people. When it happens I would love to see some people actually talk about it. They will say they lost their character to it, or even have video of it.

As of now all of the HC players on this forum have not seen it, heard of it or seen video of it. Once those things start happening, we will all ‘take action’ and we can then alert Blizz so they can put it on their list of things to ignore.

7 months later<<

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Then provide evidence for your claim, should be easy when it is happened ng every day.

Strange it didnt happen to me once in month of playing HC.

I dont care what they write, stop finding excuses and prove it.

Sure you will, because you very well know that your arguments are weak and you have absolutly nothing in hand to prove the “pk hacking” claim.

Because you most likely made that up, do you even play HC?

To be perfectly honest, i realized, that i’m talking to a wall and i don’t want to waste any more time, than i already did.
And You, of all people here, are the best example of that.

No, you realize you cant back up your claim so you are trying to run away from discussion.

I dont understand why you cant prove it when its happening every day. It should be very easy right?

If you join a random game filled with randoms in HC , you better watch your back or you’ll just get smoked .

Just like that assasin that thought it was a good idea , to go to prebuff on a waypoint after

becomming hostile towards me in 2006 .

Bad idea homie thanks for the ear .

That can ever hardly happen since i am pk myself and i know all the tricks :slight_smile:

I don’t record videos of my gameplay yet. Maybe i will start it sooner or later.
But 100% i won’t sacrifice on purpose any of my chars, just to prove the truth to someone so stubborn and blind as You.

Ok i can record, lets play together few days in public games. I am interested to see those hackers as you claimed.

IF there was a new exploit that killed HC players in a way different than the normal, hostile us and hunt, it would be plastered all over the forums. IF there was some sort of hack that let you hostile while not in town, it would be well known. We, the HC players, would not be quiet about that, we would be letting everyone know. We don’t put up with that quietly and sit around not talking about it. I would let everyone know about it to be aware that it is happening. Every other HC player I know would do the same.

Basically when a new exploit happens that makes us die in a way that isn’t a normal HC PK. We will know. Most of us, if we actually got PK’d would congratulate the guy as it’s very hard to PK a seasoned HC player without us just deciding to PvP you and to the best player…

That’s what i’m trying to do right now, but i already realized, that it’s pointless.
The only reaction for that is:
“Ah, hardcore is not for You if You die”
“So easy to avoid it”
“Go play sc instead”
“It doesn’t exist”
…blah blah blah.

Don’t worry. You will know, sooner or later. And You will witness it.
And even if it will be fixed, people will find another workaround, because it was happening since the beginning.
I’m, done here, that’s my last post. C ya.

I’m only against stuff that is not legit , if you play by the rules and kill unaware and unprepared or even better - prepared and actually geared people who know what they are doing more power to you .

I’ll admit i have a slight distaste for the LL chargers but it is what it is lol .

I’d more recommend stating: I heard from X player there is a new exploit where people can PK you while they sit on the can in their bathroom. Has anyone else heard of such a thing? If you have let us know!

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The easy answer for players regarding this is to play softcore mode rather than hardcore if you want to play online. If you want to play hardcore and don’t want to deal with getting PK’d then you can do this offline. There are ways to avoid these issues. I doubt Blizzard will change anything regarding PvP and people PK’ing

I guess what annoys me is that yes, it’s easy to avoid PKers, but the main way to do that is just quit the game as soon as they declare hostile. It’s just a time-wasting annoyance, not a fun-challenge like defeating monsters. Fighting them isn’t really an option because it’s a rare PvM set-up that has a chance in hell at anything designed for player-killing.,

Well i play chargers at low level. I honestly dont want to ruin someone char they play hundreds of hours so i usualy hunt at Normal or nm. Well i did, i dont enjoy pk anymore as i used to 15 years ago.

Only issue i had with you is your claim about pk hacks. If you want to discuss player killing here, feel free to do so. I just didnt like that you posted about those hacks when there is no evidence for it anywhere. Ttpk is thing of past, it doesnt work anymore and only way how can someone kill you very fast is outside of town where you can kill in like half of second after declaring hostility. Target must be going out from town like you will or they will use your staged TP infront of town.

A friend of mine did the LL charger for years , " wanna duel ? " every single day " hell no " lol .

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