Discussion about player killing

No i dont think you understand. Player these days are either too lazy or too stupid to do such a thing. They want to force their choices onto you.

can random people join my password games in co-op mode and help me even though they aren’t on my friends list and i never talked with them before?

because that is the system you are saying is the same, you never have to talk to anyone in dark souls to get help

Make pub, if hosted, invite newbs to game with password for jolly cooperation in d2. Same result. minor inconvenience.

In Dark souls you couldn’t even get your friends to join your game at all, you were literally stuck with randoms via summoning. You had to get lucky. Probably changed in remastered but i never bothered to play it.

Things changed greatly since ds1 and in d3. Sorry, being inconvenienced in an incredibly minor way isn’t worth doing away with unilateral hostility.

or they could add a pvp flag at game creation and then if you want to pvp just join games with pvp enabled, it’s a minor inconvenience for you to give the same result of being able to kill people in games.


yea, lets just neuter the atmosphere in the game entirely. Screw everything they intended to carry over from D1 and meant for in D2.

The remedies are already easily accessible. No need to change it.

And I’m sure that the D-Bags that do it TOTALLY care about your respect.

except the game is 100% playable without any threat of pvp as long as you don’t care about the selling point of 8 player co-op they constantly spouted to sell both the original game and the remaster.

so the “atmosphere” you speak of is just you wanting to be able to grief people who are trying to enjoy something with others.


But I like hunting people with the gear I farm. The people being hunting in game can either

  1. make a new game.

  2. Tp to town and wait.

[quote=“Zax-11538, post:1, topic:1328”]
he entire game is set up to kill your player. Every monster, boss, and trap has as it’s only goal the death of your player. The addition of the occaisional anti-social player only adds to the feeling of tension and fear that makes the rewards of success that much better. Remember this: the world of Diablo II is not a safe, warm place. It is a place of great evil, and even greater good. [/quote]

If you dont want PvP there are other games you can play, and i am not talking about diablo 3. More like Candy crush

there is no threat from pvp other than threat of my time being wasted. i have not been killed by a pvper in 21 years of playing d2 except when i joined dueling games.

Its very clear you don’t play hardcore. My guess is the anxiety/ocd would be overwhelming.

Reread what zax quoted. Just because the remedies are there to prevent pk doesn’t mean i can’t screw up and get myself killed or fail to use them properly/fast enough(Save and exit). Good Pkers avoid giving you that window. Having that possibility adds to the game I literally gear every character with the goal of eventually having a dueler set. People who randomly hostile your game and don’t achieve anything tend to be bad at pking. They are a minor annoyance and you can easily deal with it. Toggling games just makes it so i’ll never ever have to deal with it, functionally eliminating that possibility at large.

the only thing unplanned pvp has been used for in years in d2 is to waste time and annoy people by making them have to create new games or wait in town. Having a toggle that says i don’t want my limited time wasted by annoying kids is a good thing. Just because you can only feel good about yourself if you waste peoples time doesn’t mean it’s good for the health of the game.


You think its a waste of time or annoyance yet all those people who come to kill you add to the experience especially if they land a kill in hardcore… so its not exactly a waste of time. I remember most of the people i’ve seen die, either to PVP or PVM in hardcore. Definitely adds to the experience.

You should definitely stick to softcore.

It’s not that PK itself is bad. It’s just about the way it is done in reality.
There is nothing wrong in hunting other players in game, as long as it’s made fair.

It’s just constant hacks make it really annoying and almost impossible to play.
Hacks will always be faster, than developers fixing them and it just won’t stop ever.

Hey, if it is fun for You, that’s okay. Go PK games and have fun.

But imagine, that there are other ppl. that love this game for something else and they won’t resign just because of lack of PK.

I wasted many, many days/years playing this thing and i never tried to kill anyone in stupid ways like tppk etc. It’s just lame, and IMO people who do it are brain damaged.

Talking about intensions and taking the best from D1, i don’t think it was intended to work like this in reality.
Game mechanics was defined OK. The problem is that it doesn’t work.

so you must not play hardcore much, i have seen hundreds of people die in it i couldn’t possibly remember even half let alone most.

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Sounds like you never made it past act 2 normal then. Those are forgetable.

TPPK is and always was bs. Hacks literally made HC into a PVM experience for most people(myself included). All those hackers right now aren’t making duelers because they were carried by trigs and don’t actually know how to pk/duel.

PKing is fine and part of the game. However, What is typically against the rules is someone repeatedly killing someone that isn’t trying to fight back.

Killing a player’s character 1-2 times is acceptable. Killing a player’s character 5+ times if they don’t leave town and attack you can be considered griefing. If you follow someone from game to game trying to hinder the player’s progression this can also be considered griefing.

People need to remember what is PKing/PvP and what is griefing. If you cross that line a company can take action against you by restricting access to your account. However, The is up to the company that owns the specific game and how they handle these matters. I am just giving the general standardized rule from the industry itself.

I agree with this.

If someone is just hounding you repeatedly it just crosses the line into griefing. They may hate you for a particular reason but that’s what it is. Randomly being attacked/hostiled isn’t the same. Even people who try to collect hardcore bounties don’t do this. Another good example of griefing isj ust someone repeatedly camping your body. Them maybe nking you once doesn’t cross that line, sort of needs a continued pattern of behavior behind it.

The problem is, on hardcore u have 1 life, not 5.

If You don’t want to take the duel, You just go town or create new game.

The problem starts, when You are getting insta killed by Your team member, without realizing what is going on :confused:

And it will always be this way. That’s why hardcore is only for solo/firends mode in long term. That’s the main problem.

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agree with this for the most part, consequences are much higher. Play a lot of private games and most hardcore is played in private.

If i played softcore i couldn’t care less about getting randomly hostiled, dying is a mild inconvenience. If you aren’t at gold cap… you don’t even have to drop gold now due to the shared stash.