Disappointment after the recent statement and the missing ladder


In my opinion the statement you have made today just wasn’t enough.

I don’t feel like you realize how much you are letting loyal players down by your recent performance.

I feel like the game was never ready to be released in the first place and it seems like you don’t openly share with us that you didn’t do enought beforehand.

Again you are not addressing alot of other bugs that are inside the game and that are not related to your infrastructure.

Further, no update on one of the core feature that alot of us are waiting since day 1, the ladder.
Remember when you wanted to communicate the start date in September, shortly after launch?! Then came back to us without an answer?! And now this…

Restricting players ingame, because the game was not ready to cope with the obvious playstyle of today.

Please share the eta re. the ladder with us, we not only deserve a fully functional game that we paid for, but as well the features you have promissed us.

Literally, step up your game.

A dissapointed fan that’s still waiting for the ladder.


i feel like they explained it perfectly in the statement they have less than a million players playing it’s just not a top priority for them.


JFCFFS, some people are just intent on being perpetually miserable.


What do you want them to say? How quickly do you expect them to work?

I’m no Blizzard apologist, but they basically admitted to what a lot of players have said: insufficient beta testing, they chose to keep the servers up instead of take them down to fix some things, and it’s a server capacity issue (in oversimplified terms).

What do you want to hear/see? A documentary series on Hulu?


allow them to get the servers stable before we worry about ladder. I agree there should have been more testing done before release, in fact a whole lot more than just testing should have been done.

But the reality is, here we are now. Game is out and they seem to be doing what they can with what they got.
If you do not approve or wish to make a statement beyond what you wrote here, take action and walk awaay from the game for a while until they can manage to fix things.

Try to refund, or never buy a blizz product again. This company isnt anyones friend. They are not looking out for you.
I for one was very happy that they wrote out such a post, and gave us something at least.


where did they specify at all about the number of people playing? What I read all they said was the Number of Concurrent players Far Exceeded their expectations.

Concurrent players does not equal Number of people playing.

You could have 10 million active players but only 500,000 Concurrent players at any given time.

I think the statement was fine, What I don’t think was fine is their performance on this.

We had Three Test Phases, and they had a really rough launch all of which should have taught them something that could have avoided what went on this past weekend.

I feel like what we are looking at is honestly Just a Massive Underestimation of how many people want to play and enjoy this game.

It’s almost as if they should have actually had some real testing cycles and not just little weekend events lol.

There is no way they coulda done ladder day one with how things turned out. You woulda been looking at massive server wide resets back to lvl 1.

People were getting randomly rolled back and others were well on their way to hell baal runs.

Ladder is a competition and there is no way they could have done ladder with how things are right now.

It was 100% the right choice to wait.

My Thoughts on this as well as a reading of the article

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Are you ignorant or what? He was referring to the number of concurrent players, which was several hundred thousands in one region alone. That is a huge number.

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i like how players are like “omg blizz be transparent tell us whats happening, you guys suck you don’t love us anymore”

Blizz then proceeds to go DAY BY DAY full on list everything that happen

Players: “Omg wtf, this isn’t enough server issues really? yeah right don’t believe that garbage”

some people are impossible to please. do what they ask and they don’t believe ya


The post was literally about infrastructure - as it was supposed to be. Why in the world would they talk about little bugs, or game features, in a post about a critical game infrastructure issue?

That post about infrastructure? That is about ladder. You were told you would not get ladder until the game was stable and not crashing/deleting chars and data.

That addresses your issue for now. When the infrastructure is stable you get ladder, just like they said.

They will get to your Frosty when the building is no longer on fire.


I know a couple people like this. One at work and one in my personal life and they are completely exhausting to be around.

This forum seems to be rife with these types of people though.


The amount of people on the Forums/Twitter that accept poor customer support or games releasing in an unfinished state even if the game is just a remake from 20 years ago is sickening.
Blizzard had one job and they screwed up yet again D2R will end up being the next WC3Refunded…
Charging 40 bucks for something unfinished/buggy/unstable is just inacceptable, but i guess blizzard simps will justify each and every move of them.

GL guys - someone who played Blizzard games for close to 20 years.

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Just because people don’t complain incessantly doesn’t mean that they are accepting of the way things are being handled.

Some of us grew up some over the past 20 years and have learned to handle things like adults instead of trying to be loud and obnoxious until we get our way.

I think that is the standard for the current day and age, if there’s nothing to complain about, find something, if there’s nothing to hate something for, create it.


I like how they didn’t say that until all the preorders were in. Just sayin.

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You know, they could have showed us all the employee schedules and time sheets. I really think seeing the bowel movements of Jerry in accounting combined with the dietary supplements and exercise of Amanda in HR could shed some light on whether the servers should be paid a living wage or rely on tipping culture :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure what information people want. While i can’t speak for everybody, I personally wouldn’t know what to do with more information than that. I don’t know a thing about databases that are that complicated and I’m not working on it anyway. People are out there with the expectations.

This guy clearly doesn’t agree that anything is wrong, and therefore accepts it. :roll_eyes:

Oh im sorry i forgot to learn about the fact that “growing up” means getting stepped on by companies that are supposed to provide for a service u paid for and not delivering :slight_smile:
“accepting of the way things are handled” and in what way do u think they are being handled… they had a beta that was just to create “hype” and not sufficiently test the functionality of the game and now they try to fix their mistakes with outages for multiple days in a row right on time.
Sorry but not everyone will accept a unplayable state of a game they paid actual money for

Pre-orders started in Feb when they announced the game, which was before the game was finished. I am not sure at which point you think they should have said something.

They announced the Ladder change well before before game release. A point at which anyone who wanted a refund could easily get one - seeing as the game was not released yet.

Nobody was locked into those pre-orders.


Jerry and Amanda didn’t work on the game. All joking aside, some communication was nice after the sh***y week we’ve been made to endure with nothing but radio silence on their end.

“missing” ladder is not relevant at launch. it’s the same exact thing as ladder just no leaderboard. I am all for bashing blizzard nonsense but this is the weakest complaint that exists.

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