Difference between Werebear and Werewolf?

I am playing a Druid, and at level 17. I have points in both bear and wolf. I see the wolf has a FURY attack that does higher damage.

so is a Wolf more powerful than a Bear?

I dont know which to put points into. Any suggestions?
(I am looking at the skill-tree calculator on [notalink diablo-2.n e t /classes/druid/) )

The werewolf would be a whole lot stronger damage wise and speed wise. The werebear is mainly for defense mode even though you could do some damage in it. You can charge up Feral Rage, then switch to Fury to add the benefits of Feral Rage to Fury while the charge is still active to do a whole lot more damage. Invest some points for Hearth of the Wolverine and you all set.