Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4.3. | Now Live

This patch looks fantastic. Good work.


You can go right back to farming bases and stuff on July 5th. You people need to calm the hell down.


you dont know crao about diablo

They didn’t think of classic again. We need a shared big stash. Huge disappointment. I just hope they don’t touch the way classic ww works. (Classic = Non-expansion)
We don’t have the ways to stack alot of IAS!

edit: Still no well working private channels wtf.


Totally unbelievable that you WON’T fix the item name targeting bug.
With mouse/keyboard mode, you can’t use any of casting skills while mouse cursor is on item name. It’s a critical bug to any skill which needs to hold the key like blade fury.

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Still bummed that they aren’t at least giving us the option of a force stand still button bind for the controller setup. It really could use that for strategic aiming. It made a massive difference in PoE’s console versions until GGG nuked the option entirely in favor of 12 button binds (with no choice for the player to choose otherwise of course).

Controller users could really use the ability to flick the right analogue stick to select items manually as well. The current method of moving around willy nilly until you hit just the right spot to highlight an item in tight quarters is super janky.

Then there is the awful method used for quick cast with the KB/M UI. That really needs the D3 treatment.

These are nice steps, and in light of ladder launching before it should have, very welcomed if they work as advertised. But let’s not kid ourselves - there is a lot more that needs to be done to smooth out the jaggies with D2R. Hopefully we’ll see some more of this type of improvement in the next content patch. :slight_smile:

In this case I’d like it to be something you could turn off if you wanted to. Reason being, any MF at all greatly diminishes your chances of finding base items for runewords or imbues. Nothing like finding yet another blue Grand Matron Bow when you need a 4OS or 5OS GMB.


Please don’t buff MF, if you want people to find better stuff, buff base items instead (decrease drop to next lower TC chance).

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Let’s gooooooo!!! Awesome update Blizz.

I sincerely hope they had someone that mains a whirlwind barb give some critical analysis. The obvious issue is their choice of wording regarding attack frames and hopefully that’s just poor wording. But I haven’t even seen a comment on whether or not being frozen, or the unpreventable holy freeze/decrep debuffs will reduce the attack frames by silly proportions. WW frames currently are unaffected and freezes/decrep/holy freeze are everywhere. Making the Cannot Be Frozen mod be Cannot be Frozen or Slowed would be an awesome boost for everyone that uses their weapon at least for PvE, but WW has and should continue to have the immunity regardless.


Anyone else ready for loot 2.0?!

I that it’s a 1.5x multiplier based off their use of the English language.

“50% buff to magic find”

It it were just 50% more I would expect

“A 50% increase to magic find”

Increase meaning additional or additive

Buff implies +50% of total to me.

decent update but still we will spend most our time staring at “Loading”

Why not buff exp at end of ladder too?

I hope it’s not just names. Maybe this will give people an actual reason to fill out the description box for trading.

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Yeah, that one is a real handicap, especially for hardcore. And it also happens if the cursor is on objects such as chests, shrines, etc.

More than likely just the game name.
For trading they need to add a 4th tab, Norm>NM>Hell>Trading

Yay. Magic find bonus. When runes are unobtainable. I know bliz is behind item stores.

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Believe what you want, I suppose.

Runes do drop but you must be patient. Try this, forget about the runes you want and farm however long you can stand. You must kill quickly and not just bosses. When that Jah or Zod drops, you have succeded. Clearing high level areas is the key to rune hunting.


You can’t expect someone who feels they are entitled to everything in the game with minimal effort to exercise any level of patience. It was a good effort though, I’ll give you that. :slight_smile:

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