Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4 Balance PTR

But if everybody ends up being a lightning character or hdin, how is that good? Trapsin/Javazon/Light Sorc/Dream Paladin etc. Why can’t cold or fire based characters be used to farm the good areas? That’s somehow good for balance/build variety?

Lightning sorcs are also the best key farmers. Just one other thing they get to cheese.


I have mixed feelings. There are some awsome and interesting changes, and there are lots missed opportunities. Maybe the next patch.


Plus without the synergies and fire mastery enchant is not that crazy of a buff.


Insight will still end up on the merc for mid level archers as Harmony is an all around better option until you find a good unique. Underequipped bowzons will still be embarrassingly underpowered compared to sorceresses, who don’t hit the gear brick wall that other classes do. The small tweaks to bow skills they have put forward will not change the fact that javazons are an order of magnitude more powerful than anything but a perfectly equipped bowazon.


problem with guided arrow is that you also have to keep pvp in mind.

The most significant change I see here from the perspective of my characters is the removal of casting delays between skills. This will make my meteorb sorceress more powerful but it doesn’t help the classes that really need help, like fire druids and bowazons.


It feels so nice being able to clear hell chaos on a fire druid in PD2. Maybe one day Blizz will nerf the cooldown on volcano and give it the nice phys damage boost it needs in D2R.

That’s with no skillers and semi decent gear like ravenlore and hoto btw.

Some good changes in here and some that feel underwhelming. Hopefully testing these changes can sway my feelings on their effectiveness

Not really, no.

I mean not only is PvP so imbalanced and dumb (world of teleport) that changing how it is imbalanced doesn’t mean a thing, but it could just as readily not pierce players.

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With level 20 Volcano I could barely clear Nightmare Chaos Sanctuary due to the million fire immunes and the small amount of physical damage Volcano does. Molten Boulder does so little physical damage you might as well shoot spitballs at monsters and Armageddon is little better. Fire druids need RELIABLE physical damage to stay fire druids in Hell. That means Volcano needs to do mostly physical damage. Lackluster as Volcano is, it’s the best option.


Yep, I agree. I mess around on Project D2 from time to time and they’ve made the fire druid feel so much better. My character does like 1.4k phys damage per volcano (without having gcs and wearing mid ish gear) and I can cast 3-4 at a time due to the way they changed the CD there. That with a reaper’s toll merc is enough to make it feel comfortable to farm areas like hell chaos etc. Blizzard needs to follow suite imo.


Good stuff, but I see no changes in the stash/QoL, what is kinda disappointing but understandable.

Im wondering too, I really hope not

give grizzly bear chance of crushing blow and open wounds based on level idk 10% extra life is very underwhelming


I am liking that the cooldown of long cooldown duration skills have been separated… Now a Sorc can alternate between Frozen Orb/Meteor in half the time. More damage output, hopefully it’s not too powercreepish.

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been thinking about that new runeword obsession. with staff mods it should be able to reach +7 to skill for certain spells. 65 fcr is not bad either and 60-70 res too. but still very expensive compared to spirit + hoto. is there anything redeeming that im missing with that runeword?

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If you see a change that makes you want to throw something at your monitor, keep in mind everyone, these changes are not yet set in stone.

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not having to spend 156 str means more life…

the patch is decent. … did not get all I want but will wait for future patches

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Hm set item changes are mostly for low sets. Really hoped for pierce on mavinas XD.
Some other very nice changes though. Enchant on iron wolf is amazing :slight_smile:
Looking forward to run an summoner druid :smiley:

Edit: But why can’t the summons still not get spawned simultaneous? would it really be that OP to have 5 spirit wolfs, 3 dire wolfs and an grizzly the same time?


true! thats alot more life. plus the 25% more life frm that runeword. and more skills. it should actually be better than hoto and spirit