Diablo II Resurrected is a ___ REMASTER ___

Who doesn’t dislike some aspects of current 1.14 D2?

There are many prior patches that I would argue had aspects that were “better”

I do hope the players that want to stay in 1.14 nearly as-is can do so.

I also hope more changes are offered, as some of us have done pretty much all there is to do in 1.14.

I will play it a bunch regardless, but the nostalgia will run out relatively quickly after I find most of the items I want again to build a few pvpers.

I’d prefer an optional patch down the road with a pvp arena, for example, but understand how some don’t want it for launch.

I love to play D2 every new ladder season for the past 21 years, and yes after 2-4 weeks I am fully geared and 95+. Thats when I either roll new characters or take a break and play another game.

I also play POE so I enjoy alternating between D2 and its successor POE (just my opinion) :slight_smile:

cant trust blizzard as a game developer anymore.

they ruined WoW

they ruined WC3

d3 ruined diablo in a lot of peoples eyes but die hard fans like myself still held out hope

but now these changes to d2r are the final nail in the coffin.

blizzard is trying to take the crown away from ubisoft for worst modern game development studio.

they actively spit in the face of their fans and simply are not worth out respect anymore.

screw you blizzard, for breaking every single promise you made when you announced D2R.

We’ll see in a month if Blizzard is going to destroy everything VV promised to the real fanbase.

Funny, I haven’t seen any posts made by proclaimed D3 fanboys but I’ve seen the accusation thrown around. The irony is D2 fanboys decrying D3’s existence like it killed their dog and refusing to concede that D2 isn’t perfect in every way.

Not really. That changes make D2RE a better game. Nobody (only a “hand full” purists) needs a game in 2021 with alle the outdated mechanics original D2 have.

They need to remake #1 while we’re at it. Seeing how beautiful the rogue looks I can’t imagine how awesome the warrior and sorcerer would look. D1 was also much darker too

love how delusional purists are. Most people who want changes are NOT D3 players. We hate D3 with a passion and we have love for D2 due to it being nostalgia for us growing up. But we don’t let childhood nostalgia blind us to the fact that D2 even at its height was a flawed game, heavily unbalanced.

It lacked end game content, so people were doomed to run baal runs 9000 times. Then you had sorcs and hammerdins dominating all other classes while casters all had enigma and melee’s got short-changed. Even among all the melee, everyone built Grief. No rune / gem stacking, so people built armies of mules. No in-game trading platform, so you had to spam your trade message in trading channel and hope someone could pick out your message in the 0.2 seconds while other trade spams pushed yours out of screen immediately. Outdated interface so you could barely write game names with limited lengths.

The list goes on and on. D2R is a remaster but that doesn’t mean things can’t be improved. Get your head out of your behind.

I have no words. 20.

Purists already lost. They will lose even more. I hope you enjoyed my TED talk.

Have you been living under a rock past few months? Mod support is completely shut down.

If this isn’t a troll post, I don’t know what is.

This may come as a surprise to you but many people that loved D2 also like to play D3.

People that played D2 may have wanted changes to D2 before ever playing D3.

Just because someone wants a change made to D2R doesn’t mean they want D2R to be D3

VV-Blizzard didn’t made D2R to make you happy, they made it to make money and draw in new players. Changes will be made. Time to grow up.

They made the game better… gtfo… this is the best thing that Blizzard has done in a millennia.

I posted this in March, obviously new information has come to light since then. At the time they had talked about streamlining modding by removing the need for data-mining, which is necessary for the current D2.

I still have faith that they understand how important the modding community is for D2, and make effort to allow hosting realms for things like PD2 in the future. That said, I never played modded much aside from PlugY, so no mod support isn’t a deal breaker for me, though I understand it will be for many.

So many assumptions.

We need to be able to play mods with other people.