Diablo 2 Resurrected Censored by Blizzard

It’s still the exact same face, just different lighting.

Blizzard is really messing up lately, due to their censorship I will definitely not be buying Diablo 4. I will never give them another penny

The censorship is absolutely disgusting, will never give blizzard another penny

Remember stopping and watching succubae and andy and now they want to censor it all what a shame

Yeah, ‘how is the game censored’.
They were VERY creative when it came to ANYthing looking like a women.
Monsters, statues, more cloths, amazon, no woman in act2 harem, less shape … CREATIVITY is the word, you are right.

Just admit the true. Game was censored.

Probably a mix bag if this post is true.

Possibly NSFW?

this game isnt being made by blizzard lol

The new acti partners or the communists from China (tencent) get very excited looking at naked breasts in games. It doesn’t matter if the breast belongs to a character from a game or a sculpture. Welcome to the world ruled by the Communist Party of China and its supporters.

  • Neither Blizzard nor Activision have a relationship with Tencent. Are you thinking of Path of Exile? Tencent owns GGG who makes that game.
  • D2 was never officially released in China
  • D2R has not been marketed or tested in China. They were locked out of the Beta as well.
  • Chinese games have lots of “sexy” women.
  • What China bans is related to dead people, bones, blood - which D2R has lots of.

The “but China” thing does not hold up here at all. You will have to find something else to blame.

poor decision by blizzard. One more reasone why this so called remaster will fail…

I’d hardly call the lack of underboob on the sorceress or the amazon not wearing a thong a cause of failure. If anything causes D2R to fail, it will be any combination of bugs, lack of polished accessibility options, and/or possibly in an alternate universe, the 21:9/32:9 “issue”.

The latter of the three is the only one that anyone has even a half legitimate gripe about, and the devs are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here because monster behaviour (to say nothing of PvP) doesn’t function as intended past 19:9, so they’re going to need to at least think up a few options for ultrawide users. Black bars, stat/skill screens, session totals a la Titan Panel from WoW, or Stat/Inventory screens on the side. Options are good, and anything is better than the current black bars that are just an alpha layer set to zero over the playing field (as evidenced by being able to see names pop up via mouseover through the black bars).

That looks like skin war paint!

I think we all remember 2019 ? It’s not that long ago. Let me stay with my opinion. I think that if the Chinese communists only tried to censor the games for us, it wouldn’t be so bad …

You can think, what you want, but you are factually wrong. Blizzard has nothing to do with Tencent, did not ever release D2 in China, and has not announced any plans to. Further, China has no issues with sexy women.

So your “opinion” is just plain misguided. You need to pick something else to blame it on.

Then look at this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2MXmOM-OBo&t=128s

In America, you will probably get fired for looking at breasts.

In Norway, you will probably get fired for wasting the company’s resources on irrelevant browsing.

Either way, you’re getting fired.

She had body paint.
ActiBlizz gave her body armor instead.

Body paint is way betterest.

I’ve never sheltered my child from tasteful nudity, graphic violence, or “foul” language. I’ve actually been a parent and taught her when nudity is appropriate, that violence is wrong unless you have no choice when defending yourself or your loved ones, and to respect others and keep vulgarity to a minimum. I also taught her the difference between the real world and fiction.

It’s funny that so many “parents” will prepare their children from preschool with expectations that they be prepubescent doctors, but expect them to never see the aftermath of a violent accident or a naked person’s bare thigh… oh the horror!

Nudity and “gore” are as natural as you can get. If you take everything else from someone, what are you left with? A naked person, stuffed with gore. Lol

If Blizzard is going to redesign the game removing what little nudity on player characters and refuse to change it. Those who want a more original remaster of the 20 year old game should be allowed to mod the game without being banned or flagged as hacking. Otherwise Blizzard should pay homage to the original and offer a toggle in game. Unless we can get 20,000 people to post here without arguing with those that support censoring.

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Honestly, it’s subjective. What you, someone else, or myself consider to be normal/non sexual could be offensive to some sheltered - thin skinned - person who is “woke”. The rating stands at M 17+ and what 17 year old hasn’t seen boobs yet?