Diablo 2 portal bug

I’m seriously sick of these load times which aren’t accurate. I had better load times on an IBM, and also I wanna thank y’all for making cow portals constantly automatically clogged. Thanks for killing me and taking my experience that I earned that you clearly did not, and also thanks for two hrs in a 20 process. First game I’ve ever dealt with that has legit caused me pain and suffering. Good day

Nice first post, I think the only reason people create accounts on here are to complain. Bags Full.

A SSD should help solve your issue

Sorry for my bad english … i am from germany.

I also have extrem long load times on my ps4 pro.
What SSD can u recommend? Are the load times greatly reduced? How long are the load times with a SSD?


So true…

Thanks for the old memories of my Gateway + getting interrupted on dial up.

Worst thing was when getting in on a great trade, but before being able to “accept”, getting a phone call. Horrible times, fun times.

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They need to fix it so Switch players aren’t left screwed.