D2R Patch 2.5: The Most Braindead Non-Sense Ever Devised

It was either one of the dev’s, the waitress or the bartender that came up with the idea.
I do expect one of the dev’s though, the waitress and the bartender were sober when this idea slipped out of the crack accompanied with a foul smell.
The descission was made by the dice.
The other options were:
1 The barbarian will only wear his pants on his head.
2 The amazon will only shoot lightning from her behind.
3 Buffing whirlwind by giving it 10% more damage and reducing the max attacks per second by 50%.
4 Renaming the sorceress spell Blizzard to Activision Blizzard Inc.
5 Asking Wyatt Cheng if he can get D2r to work on a phone.

Alas the dice rolled six, I was rooting for 2.

Of course afterwards there was much laughter and another round of shots.


Made me laugh


You win mate, get the like :rofl:

Easist way to spot someone thats been playing D2 for 3 weeks (lots of hours) is by their CoH and extreme caution with resists. Obviously you need +500 so you can just not take any damage every and that makes you good.

The only way any of this gets better is if they put a price tag on cold mastery.

1.99 for every level of cold mastery.


If the game was already easy, now it will be even easier, omg, is this what we really want? I can almost fall asleep while playing since with these new charms everything dies in your path.

Why people is happy with this patch? ill never understand, i wanna new contents, changes udaptes, but this? 3-4 months for this?


Buy the latest WoW expansion, get free cold mastery points all ladder long.


All metabuilds got buffs. This is straight up power creep.

The new charms are terrible.


it’s nice though that cold mastery is no longer broken AF. Used to be a one point wonder.

I mean, so many better more elegant ways to go about this.

to be fair, I have a feeling you’d be complaining about those more elegant ways, too.

Absolutely not. I became a proponent of blizzard developing this game further after seeing how well they did with the last patch. There have been plenty of fantastic suggested ideas that have been completely ignored in favor of this nonsense that basically nukes the game.

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Surprise me. Tell me how you’d fix cold mastery!

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Cold mastery doesn’t need fixing.


And there goes all your credibility. I was hoping I misjudged you.


What’s wrong with Cold Mastery?

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It seems now they really “killed” it for the sake that the new generation of players can run through games without any problems. Where is the fun in that? As the initial poster stated, you can play the game then “braindead”. No more need to think.

That may have really “killed” the game… :frowning:

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:wink: :laughing: :joy: :rofl: :laughing:

bout tree fiddy


“Brain power at critical level, danger !!”
Blizz, September 15 2022