D2R - How do we fix Skill Binding for Controllers?

Since the maintenance and emergency downtime that took place on 3/29 I have to map all of my skills every time I try to play. This is very time consuming.

Is there some procedure we can perform to make the key bindings and button mappings stick when we save and exit?

I mostly play on PC using the latest Xbox controller and every time I quit to desktop my button mappings disappear.

Also, the character list is no longer in any specific order and the latest character I have played is no longer at the top of the list when I start a new game.

Hello, i have the same Problem with my Xbox Elite 2 Controller. It is not pleasant to configure my controller for every new game

I received an answer on a different thread. Go check this thread and look for the response from TheTias:

Cause was due to char names being changed to uppercase, and D2R looking for same letter casing when loading the keymapping file.

Was able to fix the issue by going into my saved games folder:

C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected\

And then changing the “charname.keyo” file to “CHARNAME.keyo”. Also did the same for “charname.ctlo” file. Keybinds are now working correctly for me!

when this fu**ing issue will be solved??? renaming files in UPPERCASE doesn’t help! the game doesn’t save settings!!!

are you sure you renamed the right files, correctly? ive heard from several people that this fixed work great.

then again, maybe it doesn’t work for controllers… should fix keyboard and mouse though

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